[TRNSYS-users] Type109-User

knut.erik.enerstvedt at niva.no knut.erik.enerstvedt at niva.no
Thu Dec 17 01:06:00 PST 2009

Dear Christopher Haluf,

I'm not sure if anyone has replied to your message to the forum yet. 
Please excuse me if anyone has done so.

I think Type 109 corrects your radiation data according to your location 
(longitude and lattitude in your .109-file) and time of year, to make sure 
that radiation is zero when the sun is down. Look for messages in the list 
file about this. It also might be that Type 109 is interpolating between 
your constant data and the zero-values at night, so you get at typically 
daily behaviour. To read constant weather data, I think it would be more 
appropriate to use the Type 9 data reader.

I hope someone will correct me if I am wrong about Type 109.

Kind regards,
Knut Erik Enerstvedt

<Dear Users,
I'm facing problems using Type109-User format. 
I want to use constant wheater data in order to understand what is exactly 
happening at solar thermal collectors. I studied the TRNSYS manual to get 
information about the format of the user-wheater-data-file .109, and I 
think that I understood all. 
To get constant wheater data, I set the ambient temperature to constant 
20°C, and I also set the diffuse horizontal radiation IDIFF_H and the 
global horizontal radiation IGLOB_H to constant values (for example 1000 
W/m² and 500 W/m²).
When I run the simulation, I get strange results. Even though I set the 
radiations to constant values, the values in the diagram of the results 
are not constant (they show a typically daily behavior), but the collector 
outlet temperature and the usefull energy gain are constant. It seems to 
me, that there is no dependance between the radiation and the outlet 
temperature/energy gain... 
I attached the .tpf and my .109 files for you!
Could somebody please tell me if I use the .109-user-file the right way 
and if not, explain me what I do wrong?
Thanks in advance!>

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
Christopher Haluf
Meld deg på vårt nyhetsbrev på www.niva.no
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