[TRNSYS-users] Multiple storage tanks

Henrik Davidsson Henrik.Davidsson at ebd.lth.se
Thu Aug 27 13:20:33 PDT 2009

Dear all!

I want to simulate a system containing three storage tanks.
I first tried to use type 60 but this does not work since there is a bug in it not allowing multiple tanks in a deck.
Does anyone know from experience if the type 340 ( i use trnsys 16) works for multiple tanks in a deck?
Or, does anyone have a different surgestion?
Tank type 4 will not work for me since I need 2*2 in/outlets and 2 internal HX in each tank.

Best regards,

Henrik Davidsson
Energy and BuildingDesign
Lund University, Sweden
henrik.davidsson at ebd.lth.se

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