[TRNSYS-users] file permission problem with TRNSYS/genopt

Christian Glück christian.glueck at kit.edu
Thu Aug 27 02:19:09 PDT 2009


I was new to GenOpt and encountered exactly the same problem.
Using Ver. 2.1 of genopt has solved the problem for me. Thanks for the 
help !!

Best regards,

Dipl.-Phys. Christian Glück
Shared Research Group "Energy and Building Technology"
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
University of Karlsruhe (TH), 
Kaiserstr. 12, D-76131 Karlsruhe (Bldg. 10.95)
Phone: +49 (0)721/608-2353 Fax: +49 (0)721/608-3529
e-mail: christian.glueck at kit.edu

Matt Duffy wrote:
> Ben,
> Please make sure you're using GenOpt 2.1 and NOT GenOpt 3.x. I believe
> that is the error when using that version of GenOpt. You should be able to
> download GenOpt 2.1 at the bottom of the following site.
> http://simulationresearch.lbl.gov/GO/download.html#pre
> Please let me know if you have any further issues.
> Best regards,
> Matt Duffy
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ben Sutton" <ben at mendipclimb.org.uk>
> Sent: Sat, August 15, 2009 7:24
> Subject:[TRNSYS-users] file permission problem with TRNSYS/genopt
> Hi,
> I am running TRNSYS on Vista with GENOPT in order to use TRNOPT.  I have it
> all configured for my system, based on the Example.  I set it running, it
> runs the first simulation fine but then I get the following error:
> Error message:
> **************
> genopt.lang.OptimizerException:
> Program error. Attempted to delete non-temporary file.
> GenOpt terminated with error.
> Jeff at TRNSYS suggested it was a file permission problem with Vista, so
> I've tried a variety of things, running with Admin rights, changing
> permissions on TRNSYS/genopt folder trees to 'full control', turning off
> User Account Control, to no avail.  Another suggestion was to move it out of
> the 'Program Files' folder, I uninstalled genopt and TRNSYS and reinstalled
> them in a different (non-system) directory, but still encounter the same
> problem.
> Next I dug out an old very slow XP laptop and installed TRNSYS et all on
> this, eventually getting it running but with the same error!
> I'm tearing my hair out slightly, up against a deadline now and wasting
> hours trying to get the TRNOPT simulations running with no progress.  If
> anyone has any advice or has seen this please get in touch, either via
> mailing list or on ben @ mendipclimb.org.uk
> Jeff - I guess you'll read this, any further advice appreciated, I'm just
> posting here as I guess you won't see this until Monday now
> many thanks,
> Ben
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