[TRNSYS-users] Range check error

Matt Duffy duffy at tess-inc.com
Fri Aug 14 09:23:34 PDT 2009

Dear Pierre,

>From David Bradley...

"There are two things you can try. The first thing to try is to set
the "debug mode" (field 9 in the Studio's simulation control cards
window) to TRUE. This will check whether any of your component's
outputs are being set to NaN (not a number) and whether your
component is overwriting the outputs of another component. If that
doesn't lead you to the solution then you should run your simulation
through the Fortran debugger and step one line at a time through the
code, watching that values of the variables as they change. It should
be quite apparent where the problem is coming from.
Kind regards,

I hope this helps.

Best regards,


----- Original Message -----
From: "AIT ALI Pierre - CETE Ouest/DVT/BAT" <pierre.ait-ali at i-carre.net>
Sent: Thu, August 13, 2009 9:14
Subject:[TRNSYS-users] Range check error

I try to simulate the internal temperatures by zone of a building (4
floors) with a simple model : Type109-TMY2 , Type56a and a plotter
Type65d .

I model the building and verify, in every zone create, that the
simulation runs. However, I have a problem with the zone 74. When I
create this zone and try to simulate, I get the message:

“Range check error” then “A unexpected error was encountered and TRNSYS
will abort”

In addition, there is no error in the deck check the listing take off.

regards, Pierre
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TRNSYS-users at cae.wisc.edu

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