[TRNSYS-users] Orientation of a building

Matt Duffy duffy at tess-inc.com
Wed Apr 22 07:03:51 PDT 2009

Dear Ana Tejero,

Even though the window in TRNBuild displays, "Orientation", it really
means, as my colleague says, "the amount of solar radiation on this
particular facade." Simply give it a general name as you have done, and
then define your facade slopes and azimuths in your Type15 Weather data
and radiation processor component. Thus, the orientations are set in the
Type15 and the "Orientations" are simply named in TRNBuild.

Best regards,

Matt Duffy

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ana Tejero" <arjeot at gmail.com>
Sent: Wed, April 22, 2009 3:24
Subject:[TRNSYS-users] Orientation of a building

Dear all,

I am a new TRNSYS user, and I would be pleased if any of you could explain
me how to define the specific orientation of a building I have already
modelled with TRNBuild, since it does not correspond to the standard
orientations provided (I have defined new ones with particular names in the
proyect initialization window, but do not know were to specify the angle).
I understand for the instructions given in the manual that this must be done
in the Trnsys Simulation Studio, but I do not know how.
Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Ana Tejero

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