[TRNSYS-users] Wood drying

Igor Frey igor.frey at xylon.eu
Wed Apr 1 00:42:21 PDT 2009


I'm using TRNSYS 16 to create a thermal model for wood drying.
I know that there was a model of water vapour diffusion into solids in 
the previous version (type 158), but it doesn't exist anymore.
I've also had a look to the "buffer humidity storage" in Trnbuild, but 
it is not suitable to my application, because it's not detailed enough.
I would like to find a component which could give the humidity of wood, 
its temperature, the evaporation of vapour, depending of air condition 
around the wood (temperature, relative humidity, celerity...)
I haven't found anything, and I'm afraid I'll have to program it myself...
Does someone know if this component exist, if I could be able to find 
something approaching ?

Thanks a lot

Bets regards

Ingénieur Thermicien
XYLON Services
6, chemin de Malacher
38240 Meylan
tel : 04 76 18 56 41
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