[TRNSYS-users] re-heating after dehumidifcation

Thibaut VITTE thibaut.vitte at h3c-energies.fr
Wed Nov 26 03:49:17 PST 2008

Dear Trnsys users,

I have a general question, as I don't know at all how to do this : Take 
into account the energy of reheating after dehumidification.
I simulate a building, which is too big and complicated to modellize 
precisely the hvac equipments. But there is a big need for 
dehumidification (setpoint 18°C/40%hr for instance) for some zones.

And I don't know how to calcul the re-heating energy without modellizing 
the AHUs... I don't have any clue of any method (even non precisely) 
that estimate this energy, which can be quite big.
Of course I have the sensible energy for cooling and the latent energy 
for dehumidification, but the reheating energy is not taken into account...

Thanks in advance for any help!

Thibaut Vitte.

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