[TRNSYS-users] Type 15-6 reading lisboa meteo file

Sébastien THOMAS sebastien.thomas at ulg.ac.be
Fri May 9 02:40:52 PDT 2008

Dear TRNSYS users,


I met a problem using type 15-6. When using Lisboa meteonorm data file
(PT-Lisboa-85350.tm2), radiation outputs as well as sun position angles are
zero. For other files such Paris, Stockholm, it works. Reading Lisboa
meteofile with type 109 is working.


Thank you for your answer


Sébastien THOMAS
Assistant - Doctorant
Université de Liège
Département Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement
Unité Surveillance de l’Environnement – Equipe Énergie
185, Avenue de Longwy
B-6700 ARLON
Tel: 32-(0)63-230 982
Fax: 32-(0)63 230 800
email:  <mailto:sebastien.thomas at ulg.ac.be> sebastien.thomas at ulg.ac.be 
WEB:  <http://www.dsge-arlon.ulg.ac.be/energie>
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