[TRNSYS-users] [hypocaust type460] How to add a function for the input air flow

Wouter Lumen wouter.lumen at ugent.be
Sat May 10 03:13:21 PDT 2008


I think you could do this using a forcing function.
You can find these under the "utility" folder.
Basically, you make a daytime schedule in which you define when to put out
which value. (for example a control signal: 0 during nighttime, 1  
during daytime)

Weekly forcing functions (workweek - weekend) are also available.

Hope this helps.

Kind Regards,

Citeren Didier De Kerpel <didierdekerpel at gmail.com>:

> Dear TRNSYS users,
> I'm modelling a hypocaust with the type460 and I would like to add a
> function to control the volume rate of inflowing air!
> During day the system has to run, and during the night the system has to
> stop.
> Does somebody know how I can make this happen?
> Thanks!
> Didier
> --
> Didier De Kerpel
> student University Ghent
> member BEST Ghent
> Didier.DeKerpel at UGent.be
> http://www.vtk.ugent.be/best/
> +32 474 27 89 79

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