[TRNSYS-users] Error 114

Ioannis Karathanasis mc03100 at mail.ntua.gr
Tue Jun 24 02:45:31 PDT 2008


I use the STEC library in order to simulate the operation of a parabolic
trough solar thermal power plant. When I connect a steam turbine stage to a
controlled steam splitter in the following way:

turbine inlet pressure->outlet pressure 2 (splitter)

I get the following error message " The utility routine PSYCHROMETRICS, which
calculates the thermodynamic properties of moist air, has been called with a
wet bulb temperature above the maximum wet bulb temperature for the given
pressure. Please check the routine which calls the psychrometrics routine for
possible sources of errors-Error 114".

Does anybody have an idea about the cause of this error, because it seems
irrelevant to me? 


Ioannis Karathanassis

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