[TRNSYS-users] type 696

Volker Huckemann volker at igs.bau.tu-bs.de
Wed Jun 4 05:44:15 PDT 2008

Dear Mr.Thornton,

trying to use your type 696 I have som difficulties:
First with parameter 1- My manual told me that the type work with 
relative humidity by the  value 1  - the more button in the type tells 
it the other way round. Which is true?
I want to work with the type 696b heating and humidifying, but at the 
moment it only works as a heater...

Thanks for your advice,

with best regards

Volker Huckemann
Dipl.-Ing. Architekt
Institut für Gebäude- und Solartechnik
TU Braunschweig
Mühlenpfordtstr. 23
38106 Braunschweig

Tel.: 0531-391 3633
Fax: 0531-391 8125

Web: www.igs.bau.tu-bs.de

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