[TRNSYS-users] type 531 stratified storage tank

Mario Leroy Ortiz ortizm at unm.edu
Tue Jul 29 19:59:34 PDT 2008

TESS and TRNSYS users,

Does this statement apply to storage tank type 531?

In order to maintain the stability of the system, the 
number of nodes must not be too many, as the amount of 
flowing into the storage tank in a given time step should 
not be
greater than the amount of water occupied in each node of 
storage tank.

I followed this statement and used 10 nodes for my storage 
With 10 nodes the tank acts slightly stratified and 
slightly mixed.
Bumping up the number of nodes absolutely shows me greater
stratification.  My top node goes to my set point while 
the bottom
node remains and the cold temp, which is great.

Can I use more than 10 nodes even though the node volume 
is less
than the volume of water flowing into it in a time step? 
 Maybe that
statement applies to older tank models?

Thank you,

Mario Ortiz

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