[TRNSYS-users] active layer

Cramer Silkworth silkworth at transsolar.com
Thu Jul 17 07:20:08 PDT 2008



What exactly are you trying model? Do you want the active layer to
maintain the zone temperature?  You can certainly use the active layer
to maintain the zone temperature (though probably not perfectly constant
with an active layer) using a differential controller (such as Type 2)
that monitors the zone temp and controls the active layer massflow rate,
and you can simply ignore the output temp or override it with an
equation...but why you'd ever do such a thing is not clear to me.
Constant input and output temps for the slab doesn't make any sense,




J. Cramer Silkworth

Transsolar Climate Engineering

Technical consulting for energy efficiency and environmental quality.

145 Hudson Street

Suite 402

New York, NY 10013

Office: 212-219-2255

Mobile: 347-283-2547

silkworth at transsolar.com




From: Rahma GUECHCHATI [mailto:rguechchati at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 8:41 AM
To: trnsys-users at engr.wisc.edu
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] active layer




     I want to simulate a monozone (Type 56) heated by an active layer
where it circulates the hot water (heated by a thermal solar colector)
but the temperature of the zone remains unchanged (before and after
heating) and the temperatureof the fluid of input and the output are


       Thank you and with my greeting.





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