[TRNSYS-users] Component load failed

Lotta Koch lotta.koch at pse.de
Wed Jan 30 08:11:56 PST 2008

Dear all,

I got the .dll, .tmf and .bmp files for two different types. I put the 
.dll files in the ReleaseDLL folder and the .bmp and .tmf files in 
studio/proformas/nostand folder. One type works well, the other appears 
in the studio under nostand but says "component load failed" when trying 
to use it. Does someone have an idea what's happening there? Is it a bug 
in the type or a conflict of versions?
Thanks a lot for a hint!

Best regards,


/Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Yours sincerely/


Lotta Koch



Emmy-Noether-Str. 2
79110 Freiburg



Tel. (+49) 761 - 479 14-38

Fax (+49) 761 - 479 14-44

Lotta.Koch at pse.de



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