[TRNSYS-users] type 42 and cooling tower

giovanni nurzia giovn at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 16 04:37:04 PST 2008

Dear all,
I'm having problems with type 42 and in general with own-built types which use the DYNDATA subroutine.
I usually connect a cooling tower (type 51b) to type 42. As soon as I add another component making use of another cooling tower, or just a standing alone cooling tower (not connected to type 42), it seems that the outputs from type 42 get stuck, or at least they differ from the case where only one cooling tower is in the project. I know this doesn't make sense, I wonder if there is a bug or something.

I can send the project on request, I'm using trnsys 16.01.0000.

Thanks for any suggestion,

Giovanni Nurzia

Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Bergamo
Via Marconi 5
24044 Dalmine (BG)
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