[TRNSYS-users] HELP: How to do an "IF" (logical test) not using type62 (call Excel)

Rui Jorge Marques Santos Ruijms at netc.pt
Tue Aug 26 08:11:17 PDT 2008

Hi again,

I've posted yesterday one request for help because of the problem that I'm having with the Type 62, as stated in the email below. But since I've no solutions for that till now, my doubt is now different.

IS THERE ANYWAY TO DO AN "IF(LOGICAL_TEST, [VALUE_IF_TRUE] , [VALUE_IF_FALSE])" BESIDES TROUGH THE TYPE 62? Because if there is, I can bypass the problem with the type 62 by replacing it by something else...

Many thanks

Rui Santos

Yesterday post:

I'm currently using the TRNSYS 16 and when I run one of the examples
from the TRNSYS to call the Excel ("Excel Schedule" or "Excel Sun
Position" in the folder C:\Program Files\Trnsys16\Examples) I get an
anoying error stating: "Access violation at address 10300096 in module
'TRNDLL.DLL'. Read of address 00000000." and after pressing the "OK"
button on that box another one shows up stating "An unexpected error
was encountered and TRNSYS will abort".

How do I solve this? Do I need to install a compiler or something
else, besides TRNSYS? In my previous laptop (a Compaq) this type (62)
work fine with no problems, unfortunately I have no longer that laptop
and I'm currently working on a DELL. In this computer I was never able
to call the Excel for TRNSYS!! I'm using Excel 2003.

Please help me with this because I'm finishing my master thesis about
solar assisted air conditioning, and all my work was done in the
previous computer in which the type62 worked. Now I need to put the
program running again and I'm not being capable to do so because of
that error with the Type62.

Thank you very much in advance!

Rui Santos" 

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