[TRNSYS-users] Trnflow &-POL-FIC Dependency indicator

Geoffrey van Moeseke vanmoeseke at matriciel.be
Fri Apr 11 00:15:34 PDT 2008

Dear Trnflow users

Passing from Comis 3.2 to Trnflow 1.3, I'm wondering on the 
disappearance of the following parameter:

&-POL-FIC (Pollutant fictive source) _Dependency indicator_

This parameter allowed to define a pollutant source using au chosen unit 
: kg/s, kg/s/m², kg/s/m³, kg/s/person ...

In the Trnflow "Thermal Zone Pollutants" window, the pollutant source as 
to be given using a "kg_pollutant/second" unit.

But it seems to me that this labelled unit is not the one interpreted by 
Trnflow:  In a simple model I obtain pollutant concentrations  
corresponding  to a source expressed as "kg_pollutant/second/kg_air".

Thanks for your help.

MATRIciel sa
Geoffrey van Moeseke _ ir. architecte

Passage de l'Ergot, 1/201 à 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tél : 010/24 15 70 - Fax : 010/24 15 60

vanmoeseke at matriciel.be

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