[TRNSYS-users] using storage c++ type

Wouter Lumen wouter.lumen at ugent.be
Mon Apr 21 10:43:38 PDT 2008

Dear Knut,

Thank you for trying out my code!!!
The fact that it worked on your pc made it clear to me that the fault
was somewhere in the headerfile.

I have compared the headerfile i was using to another one and found out
that in mine, one of the storagefunctions was declared as a "double" instead
of a "void" as it should be.
When i changed that it worked.

Thanks again!!!

Kind Regards,
Wouter Lumen

ps: it should be stored[0]+=1 indeed (i'm pretty much a C++ newbie)

Citeren knut.erik.enerstvedt at niva.no:

> Wouter,
> I have compiled and tried your C++ component, and it runs without any
> "invalid floating point error" on my machine. I use the Microsoft Visual
> C++ 2008 Express Edition compiler.
> The Type doesn't quite work as you have explained, however. Instead of
> adding 1 to the two stored variables for every timestep, it simply sets
> them equal to 1 at each timestep. To add 1, write stored[0]+=1 instead of
> stored[0]=+1.
> I can not see any further errors in your code. By the way, do you know for
> sure that you have declared the storage functions correctly in the
> "TRNSYS.h" file? I don't think the pointer construction of "nitems" should
> be a problem, as it works for me when I use &nitems directly as function
> argument.
> I hope this was helpful in some way...
> Kind regards
> Knut Erik Enerstvedt
>              trnsys-users-requ
>              est at engr.wisc.edu
>                                                                         To
>              04/20/2008 07:03          trnsys-users at engr.wisc.edu
>              PM                                                         cc
>                                                                    Subject
>              Please respond to         TRNSYS-users Digest, Vol 40, Issue
>              trnsys-users at engr         25
>                  .wisc.edu
> ----- Message from Wouter Lumen <wouter.lumen at ugent.be> on Sat, 19 Apr 2008
> 19:50:13 +0200 -----
>            To: trnsys-users at engr.wisc.edu
>       Subject: [TRNSYS-users] using storage c++ type
> Dear trnsys users,
> I'm having some troubles with using storage in my new c++ component.
> Every time i run the component i get a "invalid floating point error".
> I've have read about the possible causes of this error and i have narrowed
> it down to a problem with storage.
> I have attached a very simple sourcecode:
> It reads in 2 numbers (getal1 and getal2) and puts them back out after
> adding
> a constant to them (in this case, double a and double b).
> When i run this component and use hard coded values, such as 1 and 2
> for a and b, the
> component works flawless.
> But when i use storage (as in the attached file), i get the error.
> The storage is used in the following way:
> Every timestep "1" is added to the stored variables.
> So basically, now I add a larger, with timestep increasing, value to getal1
> and getal2.
> I have tried severall configurations when using the storage such as:
> not using the info[12]>0 manipulations,
> not using the setstorage at the end of the calculations,
> using them both, etc etc...
> Maybe the problem is in this, may be not...
> Another possible cause (which i think is more likely), is that it has
> something
> to do with the pointerconstruction for "nitems":
> int nitems=2;
> int* pitems=&nitems;
> double stored[2]={0,0};
> so that pitems points to nitems.
> This is done because the storage functions take an int* as argument
> and not an int.
> If anybody has any suggestions on what the problem could be, or could
> modify
> the sourcefile in a way that it should work. Please let me know.
> Thank you very much.
> Kind regards,
> Wouter Lumen.
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