[TRNSYS-users] Type 56 - surface energy balance (NTYPE 906)

Maarten Sourbron maarten.sourbron at mech.kuleuven.be
Thu Sep 27 03:10:31 PDT 2007

Dear Trnsys-users,

Trying to check the energy balance for a simple room (with active floor 
and active ceiling), I found out that, when I request NTYPE 906 (energy 
balance for surface) as output in TRNBUILD, this output is included in 
the list of the .BUI-file, but not in the .BLD-file.  Therefore I can 
not use it in the trnsys-file as an output.
I assume it is some kind of syntax-error, does anyone know a solution?

Kind regards,

Maarten Sourbron

Maarten Sourbron
Department Mechanica, afdeling TME
T : 016 32 28 73
F : 016 32 29 85
email : maarten.sourbron at mech.kuleuven.be

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