[TRNSYS-users] Electrical heat exchanger

Jeff Thornton thornton at tess-inc.com
Fri Sep 7 09:03:14 PDT 2007

<I must model  an electrical heat exchanger  with a power, air flow rate
and external temperature  like input and an outside temperature for output
. The electrical heat exchanger type doesn ' t exist in TRNSYS .  How can 
I  model this type of component ?  >

So many choices!  TESS has a dedicated electrical heating coil for sale
from the website that does exactly what you need.  OR - if you have the
TESS HVAC Library - there are electric unit heaters that can be used to do
what you need.  OR - the boilers models in the TESS HVAC Library can be
used with a combustion efficiency of 1.0.  OR - you can use the old
standby - Type 6 - and set the conversion efficiencies to 1.0.


Jeff Thornton
President - TESS, LLC

2916 Marketplace Drive - Suite 104
Madison WI 53719 USA

Phone: 608-274-2577
Fax: 608-278-1475
E-mail: thornton at tess-inc.com
Web: www.tess-inc.com

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