[TRNSYS-users] Air Handling Unit

Jeff Thornton thornton at tess-inc.com
Thu Oct 25 09:15:04 PDT 2007

<I must model an air handling unit, with a heat exchanger, a cooling coil
and a fan.
I would like to know if this model exist  (in TESS library)  or  if I must
used theses 3 components and connect them.>

Because of the hundreds of ways that air-handlers can be configured, we
chose to supply our users with all of the parts that they'll need to model
their air handler (fans, heating & cooling coils, heat exchangers, etc.)
instead of trying to configure a single air handler that could be used for
different configurations.


Jeff Thornton
President - TESS, LLC

2916 Marketplace Drive - Suite 104
Madison WI 53719 USA

Phone: 608-274-2577
Fax: 608-278-1475
E-mail: thornton at tess-inc.com
Web: www.tess-inc.com

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