[TRNSYS-users] Has somebody done any greenhouse microclimate modelling with TRNSYS?

knut.erik.enerstvedt at niva.no knut.erik.enerstvedt at niva.no
Thu Oct 11 00:26:31 PDT 2007

Dear all TRNSYS users,

I have been assigned the task to model a system for heating and cooling of
greenhouses. At the moment, I am using type 56 with huge windows as my
glass greenhouse model, and components for heating/cooling/humidity
equipment external to the building.

I hope to be able to control the heating and cooling equipment so I can
achieve relatively stable climatic conditions inside the greenhouse. So
far, this has not been easy. I have tried to set the "intelligent" type 22
and 23 controllers to iteratively adjust heating (heat pump) and cooling
(cooling coil) capacities based on the temperature inside the greenhouse
compared to a set point temperature. Unfortunately, it seems difficult to
avoid a more or less oscillating greenhouse temperature.

I wonder if anyone can give me some advice on this. I would also appreciate
advice on how to best adapt type 56 to model a standard glass greenhouse.
Finally, I would like to hear from anyone who has modelled greenhouses in

Thanks in advance,

Knut Erik

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