[TRNSYS-users] type 62 and excel 2007

Eleni Ampatzi ampatzie at Cardiff.ac.uk
Tue Nov 27 07:46:09 PST 2007

Dear All,

I had to use  Excel 2007 with type 62 as I had electrical consumption annual data in 5 min
intervals and I could only load it in an *.xlsm format (the *.xls does not give enough rows). I
therefore changed the code of type 62 and recompiled TRNSYS. The type 62 reads the *.xlsm file now,
but the calculation is much slower. Does anyone have any ideas about this? What is the reason that
this happens?

For your information, I had only to change the "inp" and "out" of the code of type 62 to "_inp" and
"_out" (e.g. in Excel 2007 the Inp1 is a cell name).

Thank you in advance for your help

Eleni Ampatzi
WSA, Cardiff University 

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