juan.jesus at faimevi.eu juan.jesus at faimevi.eu
Wed Mar 14 15:11:52 PDT 2007

This file project7.tpf ..... I cannot execute it,  a mistake appears  
in the check list, I examine the check list, locate the mistake and   
appears a window that informs me of that has happened a mistake and  
must be closed ..... finally it is closed simulation studio..... To  
which this is owed???? .... several similar mistakes have happened to  
me, included in the example that TRNSYS brings with it  over of  
TRNFLOW (certainly, I would like that someone was ordering it myself,  
please)... That I must do??
  you send the example of which I speak to you it(he,she) brings over  
of TRNFLOW to see if it(he,she) gives you problems

Thank you.

-------------- next part --------------
            Simulation start time  ?This value is used in the SIMULATION statement to fix the value for the hour of the year at which the simulation is to begin. 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. real -Inf+Inf10.0hrTime[;]          hr      Simulation stop time  ?This value is used in the SIMULATION statement to fix the value for the hour of the year at which the simulation is to end. 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. real -Inf+Inf24168hrTime[;]          hr      Simulation time step  ?This value is used in the SIMULATION statement to fix the value for the timestep to be used. 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. real -Inf+Inf10.25hrTime[;]          hr      Solution method  ??This value is used in the SOLVER statement to determine which of the two build-in numerical solvers TRNSYS should use. 

0 = successive method (old solver). 
      Must be used for buildings and 
      systems with a thermal capacity 

1 = Powels method (new solver) 
      suitable for systems with many 
      non-linear equations (low capacity) 
      like PV-systems 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for detailed description of both methods. boolean Successive substitutionPowell's methodSuccessive substitutionSuccessive substitution--[;]          -      
The minimum relaxation factor  
The minimum relaxation factor real 0.01111--[;]          -      
The maximum relaxation factor  
The maximum relaxation factor real 1.001011--[;]          -      Equation solver  Equation solver integer 0200--[;]          -      Equation trace  Pif this value is "True" (On), Trace messages will be generated in the deck file. boolean TrueFalseFalseFalse--[;]          -      
Debug mode  TIf this value is "True" (On), Debug commands will be added to the TRNSYS input file. boolean TrueFalseFalseFalse--[;]          -      Tolerance integration  ?This value is used in the TOLERANCES statement to specify the error tolerance controlling the integration error to be used during a simulation. 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. real 0+Inf0.0010.001
dimensionless      Tolerance convergence  ?This value is used in the TOLERANCES statement to specify the error tolerance controlling the convergence of input and output variables to be used during a simulation. 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. real 0+Inf0.0010.001
dimensionless      Tolerance values  ?This flag specifies if tolerances are specified as relative or absolute values. Using absolute values is only recommended in rare special cases. boolean 	Relatives	Absolutes	Relatives	Relatives--[;]          -      Before 'WARNING'  ?RThis value is used in the LIMITS statement to set limit on the number of iterations that will be performed by TRNSYS during a time step before it is determined that the differential equations and/or algebraic equations are not converging and a WARNING message is printed out. 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. integer -Inf+Inf3030--[;]          -      Before 'ERROR'  ?This value is used in the LIMITS statement to set limit on the number of warnings before the simulation is terminated and an ERROR message is printed.

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. integer -Inf+Inf3030--[;]          -      Before 'TRACE'  ?This value is used in the LIMITS statement to set the limit on the number of iterations during a time step before non-converging components are traced.

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. integer -Inf+Inf3031--[;]          -      Diff. equation algorithm  ?4This value is used in the DFQ statement to select one of three algorithms built into TRNSYS to numerically solve differential equations: 
    1 = Modified-Euler method
    2 = Non-self-starting Heun's method 
    3 = Fourth-order Adams method 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. integer -Inf+Inf11--[;]          -      Number of characters  ?This value is used in the WIDTH statement to set the number of characters to be allowed on a line of TRNSYS output.

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. integer 1+Inf8072
dimensionless      	List card  ?%This value will add a LIST/NOLIST statement to turn on/off the listing of the TRNSYS input file. 

It is recommended that LIST be used because the detection where an error / warning occurs in the TRNSYS input file is much easier.

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. boolean LISTNOLISTLISTLIST--[;]          -      Map card  ?This value is used to obtain a component output map listing which may be useful in debugging component interconnections. 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. boolean MAPNo MAPNo MAPNo MAP--[;]          -      Deck file name  ?This is the name of the file IISiBat uses to generate the TRNSYS input file. When a simulation is started, this file will be passed to TRNSYS for processing. 

Relative and absolute pathnames may be used. string -Inf+Inf 
rest_com.dck--[;]          -      Simulation card    string    ASSIGN "Rest_com.out" 90
--[;]         -      Write Trnsed commands  ??If this value is "True" (On), TRNSED commands will be added to the TRNSYS input file. This allows the TRNSED application to directly read the file generated by IISiBat. 

Switching this option "On" will force IISiBat to declare many additional constants in the TRNSYS input file. To avoid exceeding the number of allowed constants, you should either not use this option with big projects or "lock" variables ("locked" variables are excluded from this mechanism and do not appear in TRNSED). boolean TrueFalseFalseFalse--[;]          -      
Write IISiBat commands to deck  ?%If this value is "True" (On), IISiBat Meta-Commands will be added to the TRNSYS input file. These commands are treated by TRNSYS like comments, i.e. they will not have any influence on the simulation. However, they allow IISiBat to better reconstruct a simulation project from a TRNSYS input file, using the File/Import function. This is useful for re-importing a modified TRNSYS Input file. 

If Meta-commands are not present in the import file, IISiBat uses the ModelConfFile.conf file in the EXE directory to map UNIT declarations to PROFORMAs. boolean TrueFalseTrueTrue--[;]          -      Automatically launch plugin  ?If this option is selected, then if an executable file is defined in the comment for a model or in the outputs for an equation,
then the executable is launched.
Else, the classical dialog is opened. boolean TrueFalseFalseFalse--[;]          -      Deck comment style  ?If mode = 1, generate deck comments on one line, starting with "*".
If mode = 2, generate deck comments on the same line, starting with "!".
if mode = 3, don't generate deck comments. integer 1322--[;]          -??   trnDictionnary    
CONTROL CARD??  trnModelInstance   ????          ??   trnPort                                                  ??  CODBoolProperty   |      ??  CODStringProperty   ^  Port	?   T  Port??  CODEditProperties   (                                               ?                                                   
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?   (                                           ??  CODTextComponent   
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                        	?   ^  Text	?   T  Text
?   (                                          
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      ?]??  ?  ?  ?   ?  ??          ??  $B  ?A   "?   @  ??? ?   6     V 	?   ^  Image	?   T  Image
?   (                                           
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   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ???  ????    ??   ?? ?   ??? ?    ????    ???    ? ?     ? ?   ? ? ?   ?? ?   ????                     
      Hy ?  ?  ?  ?   ?  ??          ??  $B       V 	
           }    Type56a-TRNFLowq.\Loads and Structures\Multi-Zone Building with Air Flow (TRNFLow)\With Standard Output Files\Type56a-TRNFLow.tmf   ? >?      ?        2      5   ??    >?      ?    5How many outputs created by this multi-zone building?   ?        ??    ??      *    1- (air temperature of zone)  TAIR   1  $air temperature of zone, Zone DINING real -Inf+Inf0
Temperature[;]       ??   ??       ????          ? ?                   ?           ?  ?  ?         T U V W X Y       ?                  C  ?         @  ?  F  ?       ? ? ? ? ?          ? Q??                               ?    ?          
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  H  ?  I  ?    ?        ]T?  ?  ?  H    
   ? ? ? ? ? ?          ? ? 9                ??   ??      *    3- (air temperature of zone)  TAIR   3  %air temperature of zone, Zone KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf0
   C??      Left axis variable-3SNXThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the left Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+InflabelKITCHENanyany[ ; ]    >?      ?   ????          ?                 (             ?    ?          
           ?                 (              ?  ?  ?  ?        
           ?                     (          ?    ?          
           ?                    (          ?    ?          
           ?                 (   (          ?    ?          
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?       _W:\Trnsys16_0034\Studio\Proformas\Output\Online Plotter\Online plotter without file\Type65d.bmpBM?      6   (   (   (         ?                  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????~??_mkCSg?OhAPrL[?gt?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????fm?ux????????????????qu?^cS]wQ^?gt????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????x|??????????????????????????????????V^vO]?u????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????rtvLY?u????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????é????????????????????????????????????yy????????rtwQ_????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ž????????????????????????????????????????????????????_g????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????gn?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Ù???????????~~???????y??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????||?zz?xx?ww????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ss???????????????uu?ss?rr?pp?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????~~?????xx?nn?ll?kk?ii????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????nn?kk?gg?ee?bb?W[?y??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????qq?bb?UU?JN?iu???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????®X[?LXyVc?x?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  ??????????????????????????????·bd?PZvR`?my????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  ?  ??????????????????????????????¸_boIX???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  ????????????????????????????????cq??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  ?  ??????????????????????????my????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  ?  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  ?  ?  ?  ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????? ?  ? ???????????????????^e?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ???????????? ? ?????? ? ????????????????[e??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?????? ? ???????????? ? ?????????????Ze??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????î????????????? ?  ? ??????????????? ? ?????????????\g???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ????????????cp????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?????????v??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ko???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????mq??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ü??????????????????????????????????????ck????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ms?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????                  (       (   (       (      S?

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      #??    ?  ,   ?  ??          ??  ?A  PB
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   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ?      ????   ????   ? x?   ????   www?   ?      ??   ? ?   ?w??   ?? ?                     
  ?     ?  ??          ??  $B  ?A   u v ] w x y       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ???  ????    ??   ?? ?   ??? ?    ????    ???    ? ?     ? ?   ? ? ?   ?? ?   ????                     
?  ?  ?  ?   ?  ??          ??  $B       u v ] w x y            }    Type65d?.\Output\Online Plotter\Online plotter without file\Type65d.tmf   >?             2         ??    
??    >?      ??      Nb. of right-axis variables SNWThe number of variables that will be plotted using the right axis for scaling purposes.simpleinteger+010210-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    >?             2      
   ??    ??      Nb. of left-axis variables SNXThe number of variables that will be plotted using the left Y-axis for scaling purposes.simpleinteger+01023-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    9    -??    8??    ??      Left axis minimum SN&The minimum value for the left Y-axis.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    9    -??    ??      Left axis maximum SN&The maximum value for the left Y-axis.simplereal+-Inf+Inf1000.030-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    9    -??    ??      Right axis minimum SN'The minimum value for the right Y-axis.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    9    -??    ??      Right axis maximum SN'The maximum value for the right Y-axis.simplereal+-Inf+Inf1000.05-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    9    -??    ??      
Number of plots per simulation SN9Number of plots per simulation. Use -1 for monthly plots.simpleinteger+-1+Inf11-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    9    -??    ??      X-axis gridpoints SNFThe number of grid points that the X-axis (time) will be divided into.simpleinteger+1+Inf127-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    9    -??    ??      
Shut off Online w/o removing SN?This parameter can be used to shut off the ONLINE without removing from the assembly panel / input file, according to the following rules:
-1 : don't display online
>=0 : display onlinesimpleinteger+-1000-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    9    -??    ??      
Logical unit for output file SN?This parameter is not used in this mode since no ouptut file is created. Please use the "online plotter with file" if you want to simultaneously plot the data and print it to a file.simpleinteger+-1-1-1-1-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    9    -??    ??      Output file units SNGThis parameter is not used in this mode since no output file is createdsimpleinteger+0000-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    9    -??    ??      Output file delimiter SNGThis parameter is not used in this mode since no output file is createdsimpleinteger+0000-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    9    -        
       -Nb. of right-axis variables     
      ??    ??      Right axis variable-1SNYThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the right Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+InflabelINF_Kanyany[ ; ]    7   ??   ??       ????          ?                   q  ?         n  ?  t          T \ ] ^ _ `       )?                  ?  ?         ?  ?  ?         ?   P       M N O P          Q?U?                 !             q  ?  q  ?        
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q  ?  ?      
   ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? 9             
   ??   T??      auxoa    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    >?      ??   ????          ?                               P  ?  P  ?        
           Y?                 !              q  ?  q  ?        
           ?                                P  
           ?                               `  
           ?                 !              q  
           ?                                P  ?  P  ?        
           ?                               `  ?  `  ?        
           ?                               ]    c  
        M N O P          Q??                   P  ?         M  ?  S          T U V W X Y       `    X   ?M=  ?  ?  $   ?  ??          ??  D ??C   d e M 	?   ^  Node8g P    
?       >C:\trnsys15\IISiBat3\Exe\..\Lib\NEWEQUAT.bmp031124701033123018BM?      6  (   !             ?                    ?   ??  ??  ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              !       !                  T?_P  ?  q  
   ?  ??          ??           u v M w x y       (?   Equa-2      ????????$   ????$   
      ??=    ?  $   ?  ??          ??  ?A  0B
   l m n o 2 p 6 M q r `       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ?      ????   ????   ? x?   ????   www?   ?      ??   ? ?   ?w??   ?? ?                     
      ?)r    |  
   ?  ??          ??  B  ?A   u v ] w x y       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ???  ????    ??   ?? ?   ??? ?    ????    ???    ? ?     ? ?   ? ? ?   ?? ?   ????                     
r  ?  |  ?   ?  ??          ??  B       u v ] w x y            }    Equa-2null   >?      _       d      
   ??    ??      Input1    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    t   ??   ??       ????          ? i?                    ?           ?    ?       ? ? ? ? ?          ? h   ?'a
?  ?  P          ? ?  ? ?     ?             ?  ?  7  ?  7  ?  P  ?     ????  ?  P       
   ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? 9             
   ??   x??      +   44- (sum of outdoor air infil...)  SFLIN  Esum of outdoor air infiltration flows into , DINING, STORAGE, KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf00kg/hr	Flow Rate[;]    
   {kg/hr??      Input10    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    t   {any               ??   x??      +   45- (sum of total outdoor air...)  SFLTO  >sum of total outdoor air flows into , DINING, STORAGE, KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf00kg/hr	Flow Rate[;]    
   ~kg/hr??      Input11    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    t   ~any               ??   x??      )   46- (outdoor air change rate...)  ACHB  ?outdoor air change rate of all calculated zones of the building real -Inf+Inf001/hrany[;]    
   ?1/hr??      Input12    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    t   ?any               ??   x??      .   47- (total outdoor air flow i...)  FLTOA  2  7total outdoor air flow into auxiliary node, Zone AN_006 real -Inf+Inf00kg/hr	Flow Rate[;]    
   ?kg/hr??      Input13    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    t   ?any               ??   x??      /   42- (KITCHEN    through link L...)  FLTFL 14  fKITCHEN    through link L14  , link type DS_003     into FROM-node AN_004, Zone from TO- , Surface ode real -Inf+Inf00kg/hr	Flow Rate[;]    
   ?kg/hr??      Input9    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    t   ?any               ??   x??      /   41- (AN_001     through link L...)  FLTFL  1  gAN_001     through link L1   , link type DS_001     into FROM-node KITCHEN, Zone from TO- , Surface ode real -Inf+Inf00kg/hr	Flow Rate[;]    
   ?kg/hr??      Input8    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    t   ?any               ??   x??      /   40- (AN_004     through link L...)  FLFTL 14  iAN_004     through link L14  , link type DS_003     into TO-node   KITCHEN, Zone from FRO , Surface -node real -Inf+Inf00kg/hr	Flow Rate[;]    
   ?kg/hr??      Input7    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    t   ?any               ??   x??      /   39- (KITCHEN    through link L...)  FLFTL  1  hKITCHEN    through link L1   , link type DS_001     into TO-node   AN_001, Zone from FRO , Surface -node real -Inf+Inf00kg/hr	Flow Rate[;]    
   ?kg/hr??      Input6    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    t   ?any               ??   x??      -   38- (outdoor air change rate...)  ACHZ   3  -outdoor air change rate of zone, Zone KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf001/hrany[;]    
   ?1/hr??      Input5    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    t   ?any               ??   x??      .   37- (ventilation exhaust flow...)  FLVEZ  3  .ventilation exhaust flow of zone, Zone KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf00kg/hr	Flow Rate[;]    
   ?kg/hr??      Input4    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    t   ?any               ??   x??      +   36- (exfiltration flow of zon)  FLEXZ  3  'exfiltration flow of zone, Zone KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf00kg/hr	Flow Rate[;]    
   ?kg/hr??      Input3    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    t   ?any               ??   x??      -   35- (ventilation supply flow...)  FLVSZ  3  -ventilation supply flow of zone, Zone KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf00kg/hr	Flow Rate[;]    
   ?kg/hr??      Input2    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    t   ?any               w??      .   34- (outdoor air infiltration...)  FLINZ  3  3outdoor air infiltration flow of zone, Zone KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf00kg/hr	Flow Rate[;]    
   wkg/hrv               any??    ???    ???    ???    ???    ???    ???    ???    ???    }??    ???    ???    ?            ^>?      _       d                      >?      _       d                                             ??      SFLIN    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    ^   ??   T???      Right axis variable-7SNYThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the right Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+InflabelSFLINanyany[ ; ]    7   ?any               any??  
 trnEquation    _
Input10/MAIRT   ??   trnEquationLexeme    Input10             ??    /             ??    MAIRT         
   ]??    _
Input13/MAIRK   ??    Input13             ??    /             ??    MAIRK         
   ??      SLFTO    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    ^   ??   T???      Right axis variable-8SNYThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the right Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+InflabelSLFTOanyany[ ; ]    7   ?any               any??    _
Input11/MAIRT   ??    Input11             ??    /             ??    MAIRT         
   ??      VENINK    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    ^   ??   T???      Right axis variable-2SNYThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the right Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+InflabelVEN_IN_Kanyany[ ; ]    7   ?any               any??    _
Input2/MAIRK   ??    Input2             ??    /             ??    MAIRK         
   ??      INFK2    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    ^   ??   T???      Right axis variable-5SNYThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the right Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+InflabelINF_K2anyany[ ; ]    7   ?any               any??    _Input5   ??    Input5             ??      EXFK    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    ^   ??   T???      Right axis variable-3SNYThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the right Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+InflabelEXF_Kanyany[ ; ]    7   ?any               any??    _
Input3/MAIRK   ??    Input3             ??    /             ??    MAIRK         
   ??      DS3TF    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    ^    any??    _
Input9/MAIRK   ??    Input9             ??    /             ??    MAIRK         
   ??      DS1FT    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    ^   ??   T???      Right axis variable-6SNYThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the right Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+InflabelDS1FTanyany[ ; ]    7   ?any               any??    _
Input6/MAIRK   ??    Input6             ??    /             ??    MAIRK         
   ??      MAIRT    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    ^    any??    _(168.75+337.5+168.75)*1.2	   ??    (              ??    168.75             ??    +             ??    337.5          
   ??    +       
      ??    168.75             ??    )             ??    *             ??    1.2             ??      VENOK    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    ^   ??   T???      Right axis variable-4SNYThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the right Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+Inflabel	VEN_out_Kanyany[ ; ]    7   ?any               any??    _
Input4/MAIRK   ??    Input4             ??    /             ??    MAIRK         
   ??      ACHB    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    ^   ??   T???      Right axis variable-9SNYThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the right Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+InflabelACHBanyany[ ; ]    7   ?any               any??    _Input12   ??    Input12             ??      INFK    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    ^   Sany??    _
Input1/MAIRK   ??    Input1             ??    /             ??    MAIRK         
   ??      MAIRK    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    ^    any??    _
168.75*1.2   ??    168.75              ??    *             ??    1.2          
   ??      DS1TF    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    ^    any??    _
Input8/MAIRK   ??    Input8             ??    /             ??    MAIRK         
   ??      DS3FT    string -Inf+Inf  anyany[;]    ^    any??    _
Input7/MAIRK   ??    Input7             ??    /             ??    MAIRK         
          d         ??    ???    ???    ???    ???    ???    ???    ???    ???    ??    ??    ???    ???    ???    ???    ]               \any??      Right axis variable-10SNYThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the right Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+Inflabelauxoaanyany[ ; ]    7   \any               ????????S?R               any   ??    ?   ??    ?   ??    ?   ??    ?   ??    ?   ??    ?   ??    ?   ??    ?   ??                         >?             2              ????????9>?             2              ????????   ??   trnSpecialCard    LABELS /Labels used by this online plotter (leave to 3)3 3'?     *Left axis title (enclose in double quotes)"Temperatures" "Temperatures"'?     +Right axis title (enclose in double quotes)"Heat transfer rates" "Heat transfer rates"'?     2Plot title (tab name if several plotters are used)	"Graph 1" 	"Graph 1"    A     	   ;Nb. of left-axis variables     
         ??    ??      Left axis variable-1SNXThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the left Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+InflabelDININGanyany[ ; ]    
   any   ??    ??      Left axis variable-2SNXThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the left Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+InflabelSTORAGEanyany[ ; ]    
   ??   ??      *    2- (air temperature of zone)  TAIR   2  %air temperature of zone, Zone STORAGE real -Inf+Inf0
   0C/               any   ??    
               any               0-               C            ??    1??    
??    ??      .    4- (sens. energy demand of z...)  QSENS  1  @sens. energy demand of zone, heating(-), cooling(+), Zone DINING real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   ??   ??       ????          ? ?                   ?  ?         ?  ?  ?  ?       T U V W X Y       ?                  9  ?         6  ?  <  ?       ? ? ? ? ?          ? Q?9?                               ?  ?  ?  ?        
                  ?K( ?  ?  ?  ?       ? ?  ? ?     ?             ?  ?  }  ?  ?  ?     ?)?
?  ?  ?  ?    
   ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? 9                ??   8??      .   19- (internal convective gain...)  QGCONV 1  .internal convective gains of zone, Zone DINING real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
Summary input-7SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    >?      ?   ????          <?                 (             ?  ?  ?  ?        
           ?                 (              ?  ?  ?  ?        
           ?                     (          ?  ?  ?  ?        
           ?                    (          ?  ?  ?  ?        
           ?                 (   (          ?  ?  ?  ?        
           ?                                ?  ?  ?  ?        
           ?                               ?  ?  ?  ?        
           ?                               ?  ?  ?  ?        M N O P          ;   )? ?  ?  ?  ?   ?  ??          ?? ?&D ??C   d e M 	?   ^  Node10g P    
?       sW:\Trnsys16_0034\Studio\Proformas\Output\Simulation Summary\Results to List File\Without Energy Balance\TYPE28d.bmpBM?      6   (   (   (         ?                  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????x??Tdg~??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ctx???????????????m}?z???????t??M[_hw{???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????\kpL[`N^cgx}TejK[`l}?cru??????????????????????\jnSbf{??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Sbfbsx{??M]b??????u??IY]???????????????????????????????????t??N\`fvz????????????????????????????????????????????????]lqjz??????M_d?????KY]hw{?????·??????????????????????????????????????]koRaf{??????????????????????????????????????_ns?????????Rci??Â??T`cLY]KZ^aptz??????????????????????????????????????????????Q_cjy}??????????????????????????????N]b????????????Tfl???????|??dloZdfR^aIX[O^bfty~?????????????¸???????????????Xfj????????????????????????????????????^mr????????????Tfl????????????????????z??ajlXbeP]`HWZTcgjy}??????????????????HW[????????????964SNIRMHRMHRMGRLFQKEQKE???s??????????????ctz?????????????????????????????v?^gjVadN[_IW[Yhlm|?_nrXgkfv{????????????RNI???????ï?­?­?????~??????????????????????????w???????????????????????????????s{~\ehT`cVbf??????p???????????RNI?????????ï?­?­??????????????x?????????????????????????????~??????????????????????????????fv{?????????SOJ???????????ï?­????????????cw}?????????????????????????????????????????}????????????????????iz~?????????SOK???????vlbi`W??x?????v???????t?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????b?z??????w???????????SOK????????pf\50,???gx}???m?????????????????·????????????????????????????????????????????????V?r???????f[??????TPL??ÿ??IC>ypf????4/+????j??i~?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????v?????r??????ug???TQM??????????????vlb????????{d\??????ktvhkk{vs????????????????????????????????????????????????j~?????????r???TQM??????????????????   ??v?????^K?????????????????????hqsjkkyv?????????????????·?????????????o????????????s???URN??????????????????   NGA??????zi????????????????????????????????z??fnpllk?|y?|y????????????z???????????s???URO???????????????????
???}v??????????????????????????????????????????????vsqf{?l??x??i}???????©??????v???VSP????????????????????83/   ???h[?ø?????????????????????????????????????????????lZ??????????????????å????x???VSP????????????????????Èv   pg^???????????????????????????????????????????????????o?????????|???o?r?t????w???VTQ???????????????????????   JD?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????z???WTR???????????????????????# 

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????|???WUS????????????????????????GC>   ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????n??p??????????????~???XVT????????????????????????oic   ??|???????????????????????????????????????????????}???????}??Mw?Lp?m??????????XWU??????????????????????????   nha??????????????????????????????????????????????????????e??r??j??õ???????XWU??????????????????????????   ??????????¸?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????XWV???????????????????????????LHD???????????????????rd?????????????????????????p?????y?????????YXW???????????????????????????GC?*(&????????????????????rd??????????????????????????????????»????????YXW??????????????????????????????·???????????????te????????????????????????????????????????ZXX??????????????????????????????A>:c^X   40-???????????rd??????????{?????????????œ???????????????????ZZY?????????????????????????????????qkfC@<???????????????te??????????r??t??w??z??|????????????????????????????ZZZ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????àse??????????h??]??_??a??e??g??i??l??p??s??v??y??|???????ZZZ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????átd??????????{?R??M??N??P??S??U??V??X??\??^??`??c?y?????[[[??????????????????????????????????????????????????????te??????????????o?h?c?`?]?V??O??L??L??M?X???????VVV??????????????????????????????½???????????????????????vg??????????????????????????????}?y??????????FFFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDCDCCDCCDCCCCBCCBCCBBBABA at BA@BA at BA@BA@?{k????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????bP???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????K6?uc?zi?k??q??v??x??|????????????????????????y                  (       (   (       (      ? ?  ?  ?  ?   ?  ??          ??           # $  % & '       (?   TYPE28d      ????????,   ????,   
      b ?0?  ?  ?  ?   ?  ??          ??  ?A  PB
   l m n o 2 p 6 M q r `       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ?      ????   ????   ? x?   ????   www?   ?      ??   ? ?   ?w??   ?? ?                     
?  ?  ?  ?   ?  ??          ??  $B  ?A   u v ] w x y       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ???  ????    ??   ?? ?   ??? ?    ????    ???    ? ?     ? ?   ? ? ?   ?? ?   ????                     
      ?Z??  ?  ?  ?   ?  ??          ??  $B       u v ] w x y            }    TYPE28dS.\Output\Simulation Summary\Results to List File\Without Energy Balance\TYPE28d.tmf   >?      B       2         ??    A            >?      B       2              ????????>?      B       2         ??    ??      Summary interval SN?The time interval after which the summaries will printed and reset. Specifiying a negative parameter indicates that the absolute value of the parameter will be used to specify the rest time in months.simplereal+-12+Inf24.024hrTime[ ; ]    X    hr??    ??      Summary start time SN8The hour of the year at which the summary is to begin.
simplereal+0.0+InfSTART0hrTime[ ; ]    X    hr??    ??      Summary stop time SN7The hour of the year at which the summary is to stop.
simplereal+0.0+InfSTOP9000hrTime[ ; ]    X    hr??    ??      +Not used - Logical unit for the output file SN?This parameter tells the component that results are to be printed to the listing file rather than to an external file. Use other modes if you want to print results to an external filesimpleinteger+-1-1-1-1-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    X    -??    ??      
Output mode SN?	The output mode for the simulation summary component:
1: Table with heading for the whole simulation (external file) or Individual tables for each summary (Lst file)
2: Table with a single heading for every 12 sets of summaries (best adapted to monthly summaries)simpleinteger+1212-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    X    -??    >?      B   >How many operation codes are required to complete the summary?   ?        ??    ??      Operation code-1SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf01-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-2SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-11-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-3SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-4SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-12-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-5SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf07-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-6SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-7SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-13-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-8SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-9SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-14-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-10SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-11SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-15-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-12SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-13SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-16-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-14SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-15SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-17-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -   ??    ??      Operation code-16SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    d    -                     >?      B       2              ????????   '?    LABELSNumber of printed outputs    7
 12345678910'?     /Label for each of the outputs (space-separated)*DDELU   DHEAT DSURF DINF DVENT DCPLG DCONV Output1 Output2    
      7How many inputs are required by the simulation summary?   ?         ??    ??      
Summary input-1SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    A   ??   8??      .   22- (change int. sens. energy...)  DQAIR  1  =change int. sens. energy of zone air since start, Zone DINING real -Inf+Inf00kJEnergy[;]    
   ?kJ?               any   ??    ??      
Summary input-2SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    A   7any   ??    ??      
Summary input-3SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    A   ??   8??      -    7- (total convection to air...)  QCSURF 1  Etotal convection to air from all surf. incl. int.shading, Zone DINING real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   ?kJ/hr?               any   ??    ??      
Summary input-4SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    A   ??   8??      .   10- (sens. infiltration energ...)  QINF   1  3sens. infiltration energy gain of zone, Zone DINING real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   ?kJ/hr?               any   ??    ??      
Summary input-5SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    A   ??   8??      .   13- (sens. ventilation energy...)  QVENT  1  2sens. ventilation energy gain of zone, Zone DINING real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   ?kJ/hr?               any   ??    ??      
Summary input-6SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    A   ??   8??      .   16- (sens. coupling energy ga...)  QCOUP  1  /sens. coupling energy gain of zone, Zone DINING real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   ?kJ/hr?               any   ??    @               >any               ????7?6?               kJ/hr??    ??      .    5- (sens. energy demand of z...)  QSENS  2  Asens. energy demand of zone, heating(-), cooling(+), Zone STORAGE real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   ??   ??       ????          ? ?                   ?  9         ?  6  ?  <       T U V W X Y       ?                  ;  i         8  f  >  l       ? ? ? ? ?          ? Q???                               ?  9  ?  9        
                  1??  6  ?  ?       ? ?  ? ?     ?             ?  ?  z  ?  z  9  ?  9     4$?
?  6  ?  ?    
   ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? 9                ??   ???      .   20- (internal convective gain...)  QGCONV 2  /internal convective gains of zone, Zone STORAGE real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
Summary input-7SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    >?      ?   ????          ??                 (             ?  9  ?  9        
           ?                 (              ?  %  ?  %        
           ?                     (          ?  M  ?  M        
           ?                    (          ?  M  ?  M        
           ?                 (   (          ?  M  ?  M        
           ?                                ?  %  ?  %        
           ?                               ?  %  ?  %        
           ?                               ?  A  ?  G        M N O P          ?    ?p?  %  ?  d   ?  ??          ?? ?'D ??C   d e M 	?   ^  Node11g P    
?       sW:\Trnsys16_0034\Studio\Proformas\Output\Simulation Summary\Results to List File\Without Energy Balance\TYPE28d.bmpBM?      6   (   (   (         ?                  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????x??Tdg~??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ctx???????????????m}?z???????t??M[_hw{???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????\kpL[`N^cgx}TejK[`l}?cru??????????????????????\jnSbf{??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Sbfbsx{??M]b??????u??IY]???????????????????????????????????t??N\`fvz????????????????????????????????????????????????]lqjz??????M_d?????KY]hw{?????·??????????????????????????????????????]koRaf{??????????????????????????????????????_ns?????????Rci??Â??T`cLY]KZ^aptz??????????????????????????????????????????????Q_cjy}??????????????????????????????N]b????????????Tfl???????|??dloZdfR^aIX[O^bfty~?????????????¸???????????????Xfj????????????????????????????????????^mr????????????Tfl????????????????????z??ajlXbeP]`HWZTcgjy}??????????????????HW[????????????964SNIRMHRMHRMGRLFQKEQKE???s??????????????ctz?????????????????????????????v?^gjVadN[_IW[Yhlm|?_nrXgkfv{????????????RNI???????ï?­?­?????~??????????????????????????w???????????????????????????????s{~\ehT`cVbf??????p???????????RNI?????????ï?­?­??????????????x?????????????????????????????~??????????????????????????????fv{?????????SOJ???????????ï?­????????????cw}?????????????????????????????????????????}????????????????????iz~?????????SOK???????vlbi`W??x?????v???????t?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????b?z??????w???????????SOK????????pf\50,???gx}???m?????????????????·????????????????????????????????????????????????V?r???????f[??????TPL??ÿ??IC>ypf????4/+????j??i~?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????v?????r??????ug???TQM??????????????vlb????????{d\??????ktvhkk{vs????????????????????????????????????????????????j~?????????r???TQM??????????????????   ??v?????^K?????????????????????hqsjkkyv?????????????????·?????????????o????????????s???URN??????????????????   NGA??????zi????????????????????????????????z??fnpllk?|y?|y????????????z???????????s???URO???????????????????
???}v??????????????????????????????????????????????vsqf{?l??x??i}???????©??????v???VSP????????????????????83/   ???h[?ø?????????????????????????????????????????????lZ??????????????????å????x???VSP????????????????????Èv   pg^???????????????????????????????????????????????????o?????????|???o?r?t????w???VTQ???????????????????????   JD?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????z???WTR???????????????????????# 

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????|???WUS????????????????????????GC>   ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????n??p??????????????~???XVT????????????????????????oic   ??|???????????????????????????????????????????????}???????}??Mw?Lp?m??????????XWU??????????????????????????   nha??????????????????????????????????????????????????????e??r??j??õ???????XWU??????????????????????????   ??????????¸?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????XWV???????????????????????????LHD???????????????????rd?????????????????????????p?????y?????????YXW???????????????????????????GC?*(&????????????????????rd??????????????????????????????????»????????YXW??????????????????????????????·???????????????te????????????????????????????????????????ZXX??????????????????????????????A>:c^X   40-???????????rd??????????{?????????????œ???????????????????ZZY?????????????????????????????????qkfC@<???????????????te??????????r??t??w??z??|????????????????????????????ZZZ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????àse??????????h??]??_??a??e??g??i??l??p??s??v??y??|???????ZZZ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????átd??????????{?R??M??N??P??S??U??V??X??\??^??`??c?y?????[[[??????????????????????????????????????????????????????te??????????????o?h?c?`?]?V??O??L??L??M?X???????VVV??????????????????????????????½???????????????????????vg??????????????????????????????}?y??????????FFFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDCDCCDCCDCCCCBCCBCCBBBABA at BA@BA at BA@BA@?{k????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????bP???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????K6?uc?zi?k??q??v??x??|????????????????????????y                  (       (   (       (      ????  %  ?  M   ?  ??          ??           # $  % & '       (?   	TYPE28d-4      ????????3   ????3   
?  N  ?  d   ?  ??          ??  ?A  PB
   l m n o 2 p 6 M q r `       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ?      ????   ????   ? x?   ????   www?   ?      ??   ? ?   ?w??   ?? ?                     
      ?^0?  B  ?  M   ?  ??          ??  $B  ?A   u v ] w x y       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ???  ????    ??   ?? ?   ??? ?    ????    ???    ? ?     ? ?   ? ? ?   ?? ?   ????                     
      ??O?  %  ?  0   ?  ??          ??  $B       u v ] w x y            }    	TYPE28d-4S.\Output\Simulation Summary\Results to List File\Without Energy Balance\TYPE28d.tmf   >?      ?       2         ??    ?            >?      ?       2              ????????>?      ?       2         ??    ??      Summary interval SN?The time interval after which the summaries will printed and reset. Specifiying a negative parameter indicates that the absolute value of the parameter will be used to specify the rest time in months.simplereal+-12+Inf24.024hrTime[ ; ]    ?    hr??    ??      Summary start time SN8The hour of the year at which the summary is to begin.
simplereal+0.0+InfSTART0hrTime[ ; ]    ?    hr??    ??      Summary stop time SN7The hour of the year at which the summary is to stop.
simplereal+0.0+InfSTOP9000hrTime[ ; ]    ?    hr??    ??      +Not used - Logical unit for the output file SN?This parameter tells the component that results are to be printed to the listing file rather than to an external file. Use other modes if you want to print results to an external filesimpleinteger+-1-1-1-1-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      
Output mode SN?	The output mode for the simulation summary component:
1: Table with heading for the whole simulation (external file) or Individual tables for each summary (Lst file)
2: Table with a single heading for every 12 sets of summaries (best adapted to monthly summaries)simpleinteger+1212-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    >?      ?   >How many operation codes are required to complete the summary?   ?        ??    ??      Operation code-1SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf01-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-2SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-11-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-3SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-4SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-12-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-5SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf07-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-6SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-7SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-13-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-8SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-9SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-14-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-10SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-11SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-15-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-12SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-13SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-16-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-14SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-15SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-17-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Operation code-16SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -                     >?      ?       2              ????????   '?    LABELSNumber of printed outputs   7
 12345678910'?     /Label for each of the outputs (space-separated)*SDELU   SHEAT SSURF SINF SVENT SCPLG SCONV Output1 Output2    
      7How many inputs are required by the simulation summary?   ?         ??    ??      
Summary input-1SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    ?   ??   ???      .   23- (change int. sens. energy...)  DQAIR  2  >change int. sens. energy of zone air since start, Zone STORAGE real -Inf+Inf00kJEnergy[;]    
   ?kJ?               any   ??    ??      
Summary input-2SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    ?   ?any   ??    ??      
Summary input-3SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    ?   ??   ???      -    8- (total convection to air...)  QCSURF 2  Ftotal convection to air from all surf. incl. int.shading, Zone STORAGE real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   ?kJ/hr?               any   ??    ??      
Summary input-4SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    ?   ??   ???      .   11- (sens. infiltration energ...)  QINF   2  4sens. infiltration energy gain of zone, Zone STORAGE real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   ?kJ/hr?               any   ??    ??      
Summary input-5SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    ?   ??   ???      .   14- (sens. ventilation energy...)  QVENT  2  3sens. ventilation energy gain of zone, Zone STORAGE real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   kJ/hr               any   ??    ??      
Summary input-6SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    ?   ??   ???      .   17- (sens. coupling energy ga...)  QCOUP  2  0sens. coupling energy gain of zone, Zone STORAGE real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   kJ/hr               any   ??    ?               ?any               ??????               kJ/hr??    ??      .    6- (sens. energy demand of z...)  QSENS  3  Asens. energy demand of zone, heating(-), cooling(+), Zone KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   ??   ??       ????          ? ?                   ?  ?          ?  ?   ?  ?        T U V W X Y       ?                  ;  A         8  >  >  D       ? ? ? ? ?          ? Q?
?                               ?  ?   ?  ?         
                  2???  ?   ?  ?       ? ?  ? ?     ?             ?  ?  z  ?  z  ?   ?  ?      ?R'?  ?   ?  ?    
   ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? 9                ??   
??      .   21- (internal convective gain...)  QGCONV 3  /internal convective gains of zone, Zone KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
Summary input-7SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]    >?      ?   ????          ?                 (             ?  ?   ?  ?         
           ?                 (              ?  ?   ?  ?         
           ?                     (          ?  ?   ?  ?         
           ?                    (          ?  ?   ?  ?         
           ?                 (   (          ?  ?   ?  ?         
           ?                                ?  ?   ?  ?         
           ?                               ?  ?   ?  ?         
           ?                               ?  ?   ?  ?         M N O P             h]? ?  ?   ?     ?  ??          ?? ?'D  UC   d e M 	?   ^  Node12g P    
?       sW:\Trnsys16_0034\Studio\Proformas\Output\Simulation Summary\Results to List File\Without Energy Balance\TYPE28d.bmpBM?      6   (   (   (         ?                  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????x??Tdg~??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ctx???????????????m}?z???????t??M[_hw{???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????\kpL[`N^cgx}TejK[`l}?cru??????????????????????\jnSbf{??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Sbfbsx{??M]b??????u??IY]???????????????????????????????????t??N\`fvz????????????????????????????????????????????????]lqjz??????M_d?????KY]hw{?????·??????????????????????????????????????]koRaf{??????????????????????????????????????_ns?????????Rci??Â??T`cLY]KZ^aptz??????????????????????????????????????????????Q_cjy}??????????????????????????????N]b????????????Tfl???????|??dloZdfR^aIX[O^bfty~?????????????¸???????????????Xfj????????????????????????????????????^mr????????????Tfl????????????????????z??ajlXbeP]`HWZTcgjy}??????????????????HW[????????????964SNIRMHRMHRMGRLFQKEQKE???s??????????????ctz?????????????????????????????v?^gjVadN[_IW[Yhlm|?_nrXgkfv{????????????RNI???????ï?­?­?????~??????????????????????????w???????????????????????????????s{~\ehT`cVbf??????p???????????RNI?????????ï?­?­??????????????x?????????????????????????????~??????????????????????????????fv{?????????SOJ???????????ï?­????????????cw}?????????????????????????????????????????}????????????????????iz~?????????SOK???????vlbi`W??x?????v???????t?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????b?z??????w???????????SOK????????pf\50,???gx}???m?????????????????·????????????????????????????????????????????????V?r???????f[??????TPL??ÿ??IC>ypf????4/+????j??i~?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????v?????r??????ug???TQM??????????????vlb????????{d\??????ktvhkk{vs????????????????????????????????????????????????j~?????????r???TQM??????????????????   ??v?????^K?????????????????????hqsjkkyv?????????????????·?????????????o????????????s???URN??????????????????   NGA??????zi????????????????????????????????z??fnpllk?|y?|y????????????z???????????s???URO???????????????????
???}v??????????????????????????????????????????????vsqf{?l??x??i}???????©??????v???VSP????????????????????83/   ???h[?ø?????????????????????????????????????????????lZ??????????????????å????x???VSP????????????????????Èv   pg^???????????????????????????????????????????????????o?????????|???o?r?t????w???VTQ???????????????????????   JD?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????z???WTR???????????????????????# 

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????|???WUS????????????????????????GC>   ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????n??p??????????????~???XVT????????????????????????oic   ??|???????????????????????????????????????????????}???????}??Mw?Lp?m??????????XWU??????????????????????????   nha??????????????????????????????????????????????????????e??r??j??õ???????XWU??????????????????????????   ??????????¸?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????XWV???????????????????????????LHD???????????????????rd?????????????????????????p?????y?????????YXW???????????????????????????GC?*(&????????????????????rd??????????????????????????????????»????????YXW??????????????????????????????·???????????????te????????????????????????????????????????ZXX??????????????????????????????A>:c^X   40-???????????rd??????????{?????????????œ???????????????????ZZY?????????????????????????????????qkfC@<???????????????te??????????r??t??w??z??|????????????????????????????ZZZ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????àse??????????h??]??_??a??e??g??i??l??p??s??v??y??|???????ZZZ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????átd??????????{?R??M??N??P??S??U??V??X??\??^??`??c?y?????[[[??????????????????????????????????????????????????????te??????????????o?h?c?`?]?V??O??L??L??M?X???????VVV??????????????????????????????½???????????????????????vg??????????????????????????????}?y??????????FFFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDCDCCDCCDCCCCBCCBCCBBBABA at BA@BA at BA@BA@?{k????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????bP???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????K6?uc?zi?k??q??v??x??|????????????????????????y                  (       (   (       (      ?? ?  ?   ?  ?    ?  ??          ??           # $  % & '       (?   	TYPE28d-3      ????????3   ????3   
      0J??  ?   ?     ?  ??          ??  ?A  PB
   l m n o 2 p 6 M q r `       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ?      ????   ????   ? x?   ????   www?   ?      ??   ? ?   ?w??   ?? ?                     
      P?&?  ?   ?  ?    ?  ??          ??  $B  ?A   u v ] w x y       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ???  ????    ??   ?? ?   ??? ?    ????    ???    ? ?     ? ?   ? ? ?   ?? ?   ????                     
      ??~?  ?   ?  ?    ?  ??          ??  $B       u v ] w x y            }    	TYPE28d-3S.\Output\Simulation Summary\Results to List File\Without Energy Balance\TYPE28d.tmf   >?             2         ??                >?             2              ????????>?             2         ??    ??      Summary interval SN?The time interval after which the summaries will printed and reset. Specifiying a negative parameter indicates that the absolute value of the parameter will be used to specify the rest time in months.simplereal+-12+Inf24.024hrTime[ ; ]    ,    hr??    ??      Summary start time SN8The hour of the year at which the summary is to begin.
simplereal+0.0+InfSTART0hrTime[ ; ]    ,    hr??    ??      Summary stop time SN7The hour of the year at which the summary is to stop.
simplereal+0.0+InfSTOP8760hrTime[ ; ]    ,    hr??    ??      +Not used - Logical unit for the output file SN?This parameter tells the component that results are to be printed to the listing file rather than to an external file. Use other modes if you want to print results to an external filesimpleinteger+-1-1-1-1-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ,    -??    ??      
Output mode SN?	The output mode for the simulation summary component:
1: Table with heading for the whole simulation (external file) or Individual tables for each summary (Lst file)
2: Table with a single heading for every 12 sets of summaries (best adapted to monthly summaries)simpleinteger+1212-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ,    -??    >?         >How many operation codes are required to complete the summary?   ?        ??    ??      Operation code-1SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf01-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-2SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-11-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-3SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-4SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-12-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-5SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf07-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-6SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-7SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-13-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-8SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-9SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-14-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-10SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-11SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-15-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-12SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-13SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-16-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-14SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-15SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-17-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -   ??    ??      Operation code-16SN?lThe reverse polish operation code that will be used to manipulate the parameters and inputs to produce the outputs. The parameter list may also contain constants to be used in the summary. If this is the first operation code, either enter the number of inputs that should not be integrated,  or use an operation code <= 0 to put an input on parameter on the stack.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0-4-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    8    -                     >?             2              ????????   '?    LABELSNumber of printed outputs    7
 12345678910'?     /Label for each of the outputs (space-separated)*KDELU   KHEAT KSURF KINF KVENT KCPLG KCONV Output1 Output2    
      7How many inputs are required by the simulation summary?   ?         ??    ??      
Summary input-1SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]       ??   
??      .   24- (change int. sens. energy...)  DQAIR  3  >change int. sens. energy of zone air since start, Zone KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf00kJEnergy[;]    
   ^kJ]               any   ??    ??      
Summary input-2SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]       
any   ??    ??      
Summary input-3SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]       ??   
??      -    9- (total convection to air...)  QCSURF 3  Ftotal convection to air from all surf. incl. int.shading, Zone KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   dkJ/hrc               any   ??    ??      
Summary input-4SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]       ??   
??      .   12- (sens. infiltration energ...)  QINF   3  4sens. infiltration energy gain of zone, Zone KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   hkJ/hrg               any   ??    ??      
Summary input-5SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]       ??   
??      .   15- (sens. ventilation energy...)  QVENT  3  3sens. ventilation energy gain of zone, Zone KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   lkJ/hrk               any   ??    ??      
Summary input-6SN=The specified input to be used in the simulation summary.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00anyany[ ; ]       ??   
??      .   18- (sens. coupling energy ga...)  QCOUP  3  0sens. coupling energy gain of zone, Zone KITCHEN real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
   pkJ/hro               any   ??                   any               plhd
a               kJ/hr??    ???    ???    e??    ???    ???    i??    ???    ??    m??    ???    ??    q??    ???    ???    ??    ???    ???    _??    ??      .   25- (inside surface temperatu...)  TSI    1  Linside surface temperature ->WALL=OUTSIDE:ORI=SOUTH, Zone DINING , Surface 1 real -Inf+Inf0
    C??    ??      .   26- (inside surface temperatu...)  TSI    3  Kinside surface temperature ->WALL=OUTSIDE:ORI=WEST, Zone DINING , Surface 3 real -Inf+Inf0
    C??    ??      .   27- (inside surface temperatu...)  TSI    4  Kinside surface temperature ->WALL=OUTSIDE:ORI=EAST, Zone DINING , Surface 4 real -Inf+Inf0
    C??    ??      .   28- (inside surface temperatu...)  TSI    5  Oinside surface temperature ->WALL=INSIDE:INTERNAL BACK, Zone DINING , Surface 5 real -Inf+Inf0
    C??    ??      .   29- (inside surface temperatu...)  TSI    6  Minside surface temperature ->WALL=INSIDE:ADJ=STORAGE, Zone DINING , Surface 6 real -Inf+Inf0
    C??    ??      .   30- (inside surface temperatu...)  TSI    7  Oinside surface temperature ->WALL=FLOOR:KNOWN BOUNDARY, Zone DINING , Surface 7 real -Inf+Inf0
    C??    ??      .   31- (inside surface temperatu...)  TSI    8  Ninside surface temperature ->WALL=ROOF:ORI=HORIZONTAL, Zone DINING , Surface 8 real -Inf+Inf0
    C??    ??      .   32- (inside surface temperatu...)  TSI    9  Minside surface temperature ->WALL=INSIDE:ADJ=KITCHEN, Zone DINING , Surface 9 real -Inf+Inf0
    C??    ??      .   33- (inside surface temperatu...)  TSI    2  Jinside surface temperature ->WIN=DOUBLE:ORI=SOUTH, Zone DINING , Surface 2 real -Inf+Inf0
    C??    ???    ???    ???    ???    ???    ???    ???    ???    ???    ??      /   43- (k L2   , link type CR_001...)  FLNEL  2  gk L2   , link type CR_001     between node EN_003     and node KITCHEN, Zone mass flow , Surface of lin real -Inf+Inf00kg/hr	Flow Rate[;]    
    kg/hr??    |??    ??    ???    ???    ??      .   48- (air temperature of auxil...)  TAIRA  1  .air temperature of auxiliary node, Zone AN_001 real -Inf+Inf0
    C??    ??      .   49- (absolut humidity of auxi...)  HAIRA  1  /absolut humidity of auxiliary node, Zone AN_001 real -Inf+Inf00kg/kgany[;]    
    kg/kg??    ??      8Outputs - to update attach files in "External Files" tab SNgThe specified output which is described in the building information
file (.INF extension typically).
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    
    any??    ??      .   51- (sensible energy demand o...)  QSENSA 1  5sensible energy demand of auxiliary node, Zone AN_001 real -Inf+Inf00kJ/hrPower[;]    
    kJ/hr??    ??      .   52- (outdoor air infiltration...)  FLINA  1  =outdoor air infiltration flow per auxiliary node, Zone AN_001 real -Inf+Inf00kg/hr	Flow Rate[;]    
    kg/hr??    ??      .   53- (mixing absolute humidity...)  HAEA   1  Gmixing absolute humidity of entering air of auxiliary node, Zone AN_001 real -Inf+Inf00kg/kgany[;]    
    kg/kg            >?      ?        2         ??    ??      1Logical unit for building description file (.bui) SN?6The logical unit through which the building description file will be
read. Each external file that TRNSYS reads from or writes to must be
assigned a unique logical unit number in the TRNSYS input file. The
building description file is created by the PREBID program and typically
has a .BLD extension.

dimensionless[ ; ]   ?    -??    ??      Star network calculation switch SN??This parameter indicates whether the star network calculations should be
performed only at the beginning of the simulation (=0) or at every timestep
(=1).  For most simulations, the star network can be calculated just at the
beginning of the simulation.  However, if the convective heat transfer
coefficient at the inside surface of any of the walls in the building is
variable (not a constant value), this parameter should be set to 1.
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      *Weighting factor for operative temperature SN??The weighting factor for the operative room temperature.  The operative room
temperature is a function of both the air and surface temperatures in the

Top = Aop*Tair + (1-Aop)*Tsurf


Top    = Operative room temperature
Aop    = Weighting factor (this parameter)
Tair   = The temperature of the air node in the zone
Tsurf  = The area weighted wall surface temperature

This temperature is used most often in room comfort analysis simulations.
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??       Logical unit for monthly summary SN simpleinteger+309993093-
dimensionless[ ; ]   ?    -??    ??      $Logical unit for hourly temperatures SN simpleinteger+309993094-
dimensionless[ ; ]   ?    -??    ??      
Logical unit for hourly loads SN simpleinteger+309993095-
dimensionless[ ; ]   ?    -??    ??      Comis output / Tstep SN simpleinteger+-1111-
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Altitude of building SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00mLength[ ; ]    ?    m??    ??      Height of meteo pylon  SN simplereal+0991010mLength[ ; ]    ?    m??    ??      Altitude of weather station SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00mLength[ ; ]    ?    m??    ??      #Velocity profile at weather station SN simplereal+
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      !Tolerance for internal iterations SN simplereal+
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      %Maximum number of internal iterations SN simplereal+0500100100-
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Minimum relaxation factor SN simplereal+010.10.1-
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -        
   >?      ?        2              ????????       ??  trnExternalFile     !Building description file (*.bui)
Rest_com.bui     1Logical unit for building description file (.bui)     ?     Monthly SummaryBldg-Monthly.out      Logical unit for monthly summary     ?     Hourly TemperaturesBldg-HourlyTemp.out     $Logical unit for hourly temperatures     ?     
Hourly LoadsBldg-HourlyLoads.out     
Logical unit for hourly loads     8                2      
   ??    >?      ?    9How many inputs are required by this multi-zone building?   d         ??    ??      "    1- TAMB  (AMBIENT TEMPERATURE)  AMBIENT TEMPERATURE real -Inf+Inf0
Temperature[;]    ?   ??   ??       ????          S ? ?                    ?            ?    ?       ? ? ? ? ?          R ?    ?:%W   z  ?  ?       ? ?  ? ?     ?             W   ?  ?   ?  ?   }  }  }  }  ?  ?  ?      e?,W   z  ?  ?    
   ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? 9                ??   ???      Output 6 SN at nth value read from data file (if at least n values are read).
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    >?      C        2      e   ??    ??      Output 1 SN at nth value read from data file (if at least n values are read).
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?   ??   ??       ????          [ ?                   ?   ?         ?   ?  ?   ?       T \ ] ^ _ `       ?                  ?   ?         ?   ?  ?   ?       WM N O P          Z Q???                               ?   ?  ?   ?        
                  ?;{W   ?  ?   ?   ?  ??          ??           ? ?  ? ?     ?             W   ?  ?   ?  ?   ?     ??
W   ?  ?   ?    
   ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? 9                ??   ???      Time of next read SN?The time at which the next values will be read from the data file. This output is intended to be hooked up to the radiation processor (Type16).
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00hrTime[ ; ]    ?   ?hr??      Time of next data read SN?The time that the next weather information will be read from the
external data file.  This input is typicall hooked up the the 20th
Output of the data reader component.
simplereal+0.0+Inf1.01hrTime[ ; ]    >?      ?   ????          ??                 (             ?   ?  ?   ?        
           ?                 (              ?   ?  ?   ?        
           ?                     (          ?   ?  ?   ?        
           ?                    (          ?   ?  ?   ?        
           ?                 (   (          ?   ?  ?   ?        
           ?                                ?   ?  ?   ?        
           ?                               ?   ?  ?   ?        
           ?                               ?   ?  ?   ?        M N O P          Q??                   ?   ?         ?   ?  ?   ?       T U V W X Y       ?    Q??                   ?   ?         ?   ?  ?   ?       T \ ] ^ _ `       ?    ?   ???:?   ?    ?   ?  ??          ??  DC  ?C   d e M 	?   ^  Node3g P    
?       vW:\Trnsys16_0034\Studio\Proformas\Physical Phenomena\Radiation Processors\Total Horiz  Only Known (Mode=1)\TYPE16a.bmpBM?      6   (   (   (         ?                  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????f????3? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??{?????????????????}B?O"?X'?V$?R"?L!?I!?E#?C%uK6~eW??z???????????????????????????????????????????????????????l??q??????????????????????O?~,?k#?i9?kO?iL?jM?kO?mR?dD?R0??u7rRD??v????????????????????????????????????????????f??L?N??c???????????????{?5?k'?]4?Y8?]??_C?W6?Y9?\=?`C?eJ?iP?hM?W7?6m:%?nb??????????????????????????????????????????2?? ?? ???????????????b?v?O(?H!?E
?B?I"?Q-?[<?bD?L%v1x`S???????????????????????????????????????†??i??????`?`	?7?3?5 ?6 ?9 ?; ?E&gD\?@?;?9?6?5?6?=?G?Q-?\>?M0t4
?mb?????????????????????????????????????‡???B?S?x?9 ?5 ?9 ?= ?A ?D ?F ?L
gRX?F?C???<?7?5?8?A?R/?dU?G/m at .????????????????????????????????????????D??G?7?I?A
?F?H?L?O?Q ?R ?WijftZ?P?L?G?B?=?7?5?R(?gM?aN?<wZL????????????????????????????????????[?Z?Y?h)?U?\?_?X?[?\ ?^ ?f
?e ?g 1x|{yw[m?a?^?W?Q?J?CdZ`g0{g=?^:?:?xm?????????????????????????????????????k?h?V?R??t?l??N?q
?l ?t ????B{?r?i?e?a?\?S?O2eCg!bg1?f??F
y\Mù?????????????????????????????????h?H?? ?? ??<?Y????V?}?w?|;???o??z?u?q?l?iEm.g(cg(gGg#ig4?V%zM5?????????????????????????????????y?I?)?? ?? ?? ??L?z?s??/??????r???????{?vSxysmgg-gSc#{Z&?I+?????????????????????????????????|?G?(??????/??N?J?nM?)}??????????????^??xrkgg
J^p\ ?J*???????????????????????????????????~W??<????C??L??@?
??????????????????5?~xo:eI]B`Sc?R*???????????????????????????????????v}?mY??`?l??n???;?t?R%?81?=ñ2?2?-??????????y?&?Ax{kzcd[1aFd?W0??????????????????????????????????k??P??V??V??p?????P?m%?W.?ZR?[??^??^?Q?;?? ???????+?K|+vqjg`e
?c>ú????????????????????????????????‰??z????q??????@?1?(?P??????????????O?	?~vnh?h?x]??????????????????????????????????????x?r?'?L??????f??6??$?"?9??v??x?´??7??????9?S?
?x??}???????????????????????????????????????????Yh?)%?Q,?h'?(??,??;?? ?? ??
?? ??'??f?}?fI?$Ó??|X~}`???V????????????????????????????????????????????????ê<J?R5?g??3??3??/??
??	??
?? ?? ?? ??
???O?	?
?? ??>??&???;?p??!??? ˜=????????E?? ?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????\?J?5????????????@??[??B??8?x??6??Q??d?????????????h?? ?? ??	??????????????????????????????????????????????????q??T?R?:??5??#????'??B????l?????iv?|I?R??a??g?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????w??Y??W??[?X?Q?Z?[?p???????O??+?? ?? ??9??S???????P????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????x??w??t??r??q??q??q????????????P??%?? ?? ?? ??;??b????k?s?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Y??-??????-??S?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????k??J??C??C??L??n???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????n??n??n??n????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????                  (       (   (       (      ????   ?  ?   ?   ?  ??          ??           # $  % & '       (?   TYPE16a      ????????,   ????,   
      0???   ?    ?   ?  ??          ??  ?A  PB
   l m n o 2 p 6 M q r `       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ?      ????   ????   ? x?   ????   www?   ?      ??   ? ?   ?w??   ?? ?                     
      ???   ?  ?   ?   ?  ??          ??  $B  ?A   u v ] w x y       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ???  ????    ??   ?? ?   ??? ?    ????    ???    ? ?     ? ?   ? ? ?   ?? ?   ????                     
      ????   ?  ?   ?   ?  ??          ??  $B       u v ] w x y            }    TYPE16aV.\Physical Phenomena\Radiation Processors\Total Horiz  Only Known (Mode=1)\TYPE16a.tmf   ?>?      ?       2      .   ??    ??      
Extraterrestrial on horizontal SN9The extraterrestrial radiation on a horizontal surface.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      Solar zenith angle SNrThe solar zenith angle:
The zenith angle is the angle between the vertical and the line of
sight of the sun.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]       ??   ??       ????          ?? ?                  N  ?         K  ?  Q  ?       ? ? ? ? ?          ??    ??
?   ?  ?  ?       ? ?  ? ?     ?             ?   ?  }  ?  }  ?  ?  ?     ??   ?  ?  ?    
   ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? 9                
Incidence angle of surface 4 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]       degrees??      8   17- AIWEST  (ANGLE OF INCIDENCE FOR ORIENTATION WEST)  'ANGLE OF INCIDENCE FOR ORIENTATION WEST real -Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[;]    ?    degrees               ??   
Incidence angle of surface 3 SNOThe angle of incidence of the beam radiation on the third surface
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]       degrees??      8   16- AIEAST  (ANGLE OF INCIDENCE FOR ORIENTATION EAST)  'ANGLE OF INCIDENCE FOR ORIENTATION EAST real -Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[;]    ?    degrees               ??   
Incidence angle of surface 2  SNPThe angle of incidence of the beam radiation on the second surface
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]       degrees??      :   15- AISOUTH  (ANGLE OF INCIDENCE FOR ORIENTATION SOUTH)  (ANGLE OF INCIDENCE FOR ORIENTATION SOUTH real -Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[;]    ?    degrees               ??   
Incidence angle for surface 1 SNOThe angle of incidence of the beam radiation on the first surface
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]       degrees??      :   14- AINORTH  (ANGLE OF INCIDENCE FOR ORIENTATION NORTH)  (ANGLE OF INCIDENCE FOR ORIENTATION NORTH real -Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[;]    ?    degrees               ??   
??      Beam radiation on surface 4 SN>The beam radiation incident on the fourth surface specified.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]       	kJ/hr.m^2??      =   12- IBWEST  (INCIDENT BEAM RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION WEST)  ,INCIDENT BEAM RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION WEST real -Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[;]    ?    	kJ/hr.m^2               ??   
??      Beam radiation on surface 3 SN4The beam radiation on the third surface specified.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]       
	kJ/hr.m^2               ??   
??      Beam radiation on surface 2 SN>The beam radiation incident on the second specified surface.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??      ?   10- IBSOUTH  (INCIDENT BEAM RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION SOUTH)  -INCIDENT BEAM RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION SOUTH real -Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[;]    ?     	kJ/hr.m^2               ??   
??      Beam radiation on surface 1 SN4The beam radiation on the first surface specified.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]       #	kJ/hr.m^2??      ?    9- IBNORTH  (INCIDENT BEAM RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION NORTH)  -INCIDENT BEAM RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION NORTH real -Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[;]    ?    #	kJ/hr.m^2               ??   
??      Total horizontal radiation SN?The total radiation incident on a horizontal surface.  The total
radiation is equal to the beam radiation + sky diffuse radiation +
ground reflected diffuse radiation.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]       ??   ??       ????          ?? ?                  ?   u         ?   p  ?   v       WM N O P          ??     ? ?   M  
  ?   ?  ??          ??  @?   ?   ? ?  ? ?     ?             ?   ?  
  ~  ?   ~  ?   R  
  R     ???   M  
   ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? 9                ??   )??      
Horizontal diffuse radiation SN=The diffuse radiation (sky only) on a horizontal surface.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]       -	kJ/hr.m^2??      Input3    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    ?    -any               ('??      Input2    string -Inf+Inf 0anyany[;]    ?    (any               &	kJ/hr.m^2??      B    8- ITHORIZONT  (INCIDENT RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION HORIZONTAL)  -INCIDENT RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION HORIZONTAL real -Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[;]    ?    &	kJ/hr.m^2               ??   
Total radiation on surface 4 SNpThe total radiation (beam + sky diffuse + ground reflected diffuse)
incident on the fourth surface specified.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]       2	kJ/hr.m^2??      8    7- ITWEST  (INCIDENT RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION WEST)  'INCIDENT RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION WEST real -Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[;]    ?    2	kJ/hr.m^2               ??   
Total radiation on surface 3 SNoThe total radiation (beam + sky diffuse + ground reflected diffuse)
incident on the third surface specified.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]       5	kJ/hr.m^2??      8    6- ITEAST  (INCIDENT RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION EAST)  'INCIDENT RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION EAST real -Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[;]    ?    5	kJ/hr.m^2               ??   
Total radiation on surface 2 SNpThe total radiation (beam + sky diffuse + ground reflected diffuse) on
the second surface that was specified.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]       8	kJ/hr.m^2??      :    5- ITSOUTH  (INCIDENT RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION SOUTH)  (INCIDENT RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION SOUTH real -Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[;]    ?    8	kJ/hr.m^2               ??   
Total radiation on surface 1 SN_The total radiation on the tilted surface (beam + sky diffuse + ground
reflected diffuse).

simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]       ;	kJ/hr.m^2??      :    4- ITNORTH  (INCIDENT RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION NORTH)  (INCIDENT RADIATION FOR ORIENTATION NORTH real -Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[;]    ?    ;	kJ/hr.m^2               	??      B   18- AIHORIZONT  (ANGLE OF INCIDENCE FOR ORIENTATION HORIZONTAL)  -ANGLE OF INCIDENCE FOR ORIENTATION HORIZONTAL real -Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[;]    ?    
degrees               degrees??    ??      Solar azimuth angle SN?The solar azimuth angle is defined as being the angle between the
local meridian and the projection of the line of sight of the sun onto
the horizontal plane.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]        degrees??    '??    ??      
Beam radiation on horizontal SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    .??    <??    $??    ??      Sky diffuse on surface 1 SNDThe sky diffuse radiation incident on the first surface specified.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??    ??      Slope of surface 1 SN+The slope of the first surface specified.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]        degrees??    9??    !??    ??      Sky diffuse on surface 2 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??    ??      Slope of surface 2 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]        degrees??    6??    
??    ??      Sky diffuse on surface 3 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??    ??      Slope of surface 3 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]        degrees??    3??    ??    ??      Sky diffuse on surface 4 SNOThe angle of incidence of the beamradiation on the fourth surface
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??    ??      Slope of surface 4 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]        degrees??    ??      
Total radiation on surface 5 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      Beam radiation on surface 5 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      "Sky diffuse radiation on surface 5 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      
Incidence angle of surface 5 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]        degrees??    ??      Slope of surface 5 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]        degrees??    ??      
Total radiation on surface 6 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      Beam radiation on surface 6 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      "Sky diffuse radiation on surface 6 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      
Incidence angle of surface 6 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]        degrees??    ??      Slope of surface 6 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]        degrees??    ??      
Total radiation on surface 7 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      Beam radiation on surface 7 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      "Sky diffuse radiation on surface 7 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      
Incidence angle of surface 7 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]        degrees??    ??      Slope of surface 7 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]        degrees??    ??      
Total radiation on surface 8 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      Beam radiation on surface 8 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      "Sky diffuse radiation on surface 8 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]        	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      
Incidence angle of surface 8 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]        degrees??    ??      Slope of surface 8 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]        degrees        -   >?      ?       2      	   ??    ??      Horiz. radiation mode SN?Horizontal Radiation Mode:
See the general description for an explanation of all horizontal radiation modes. This proforma corresponds to Mode 1 (Only Horizontal Known, Reduced Reindl Correlation)

Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      
Tracking mode SN?Surface Tracking Mode:
1 = Fixed surface
2 = Single axis tracking; vertical axis, fixed slope, variable azimuth
3 = Single axis tracking; axis parallel to surface
4 = Two-axis tracking

Refer to the abstract for more details.

dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Tilted surface mode SN?Tilted Surface Rdaition Mode:
1 = Isotropic sky model
2 = Hay and Davies model
3 = Reindl model
4 = Perez model

Refer to the abstract for more details

dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      
Starting day SN?,The day of the year corresponding to the simulation start time.  Every
time the simulation start time is changed, the starting day must be
changed or the radiation calculations will be inaccurate.

A commonly used workaround to set the starting day to the correct value in all circumstances is to add the following lines to the "simulations cards" (in "Assembly/Control Cards"):


(START is a default TRNSYS variable)
You can then set the Type of this parameter to "String" and type in STARTDAY for the value.simplereal+1+Inf11dayTime[ ; ]    ?    day??    ??      Latitude SN2The latitude of the location being investigated.
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Solar constant SNThe solar constant.
simplereal+0.0+Inf4871.04871	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    ?    	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      Shift in solar time SN?sThe shift in solar time:
Since many of the calculations made in transforming insolation on a
horizontal surface depend on the time of day, it is important that the
correct solar time be used.  This parameter is used to account for the
differences between solar time and local time.  The equation for
the shift parameter is:
SHIFT = Lst - Lloc
where Lst is the standard meridian for the local
time zone, and Lloc is the longitude of the location in question.
Longitude angles are positive towards West, negative towards East.

Stuttgart, DE: Long.= 9?11' East, LSM=15? East (UTC+1), Shift=-15-(-9.18)=-5.82
Madison, WI (US): Long.=89?24' West, LSM=  90? West (UTC-6), shift=90-89.4=0.6

- Type 89 prints a notice to the listing file with the correct settings for Type 16. You can check your settings using that information.
- The shift angle should be ignored if the data was recorded in true solar time instead of official clock time (see parameter 9).

Standard meridians for the continental U.S. are:
Eastern:  75 Degrees W
Central:   90 Degrees W
Mountain: 105 Degrees W
Pacific:  120 Degrees W
simplereal+-40300.00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?    degrees??    ??      Not used SNEThis parameter is not used in this mode of the radiation processor.
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      
Solar time? SN??If the radiation data being supplied to the radiation processor is at
even intervals of solar time (as the TMY data is) then this parameter
should be set to a negative number so that the 7th parameter (Shift in
Solar Time) is ignored.  If the data being supplied is at even
intervals of local time, this value should be set positive so that the
seventh parameter is used.

dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -           >?      ?       2              ????????                       2         ??    ??      Radiation on horizontal SN0The total radiation on a horizontal surface.

simplereal+0.0+Inf0.00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    ?   ?	kJ/hr.m^2??    ??      Time of last data read SN?The time of the last reading of the external file containing the
weather data.  Typically from the 19th Output of the data reader
simplereal+0.0+Inf0.00hrTime[ ; ]    ?   ??   ???      Time of last read SN?The time at which the values were last read from the data file.  This output is intended to  be hooked up to the radiation processor (Type 16).
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00hrTime[ ; ]    ?   ?hr?               hr??    ???    ??      Ground reflectance SN?The reflectance of the ground above which the surface is located.
Typical values are 0.2 for ground not covered by snow and 0.7 for
ground covered by snow.
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    
dimensionless??    >?      ?   BHow many surfaces are to be evaluated by this radiation processor?            ??    ??      Slope of surface-1SN?The slope of the surface or tracking axis.  The slope is positive
when tilted in the direction of the azimuth.

 0 = Horizontal
90 = Vertical facing toward azimuth

Refer to the abstract for details on slope specification for tracking
simplereal+-360+3600.090degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?    degrees??    ??      Azimuth of surface-1SN??The solar azimuth angle is the angle between the local meridian and
the projection of the line of sight of the sun onto the horizontal
plane. The reference is as follows:
0  = Facing equator
90 = Facing West
180 (or -180) = Facing away from the equator
-90 (or 270)  = Facing East

Surf. Facing due South in Northern hemisphere:     0
Facing North-East in Northern hemisphere: -135
Facing South-West in Northern hemisphere:  +45
Facing due North in Southern hemisphere:     0
Facing North-East in Southern hemisphere:  -45
Facing South-West in Southern hemisphere: +135

Refer to the abstract for details on the azimuth parameter for
tracking surfaces.simplereal+-360+3600.0180degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?    degrees   ??    ??      Slope of surface-2SN?The slope of the surface or tracking axis.  The slope is positive
when tilted in the direction of the azimuth.

 0 = Horizontal
90 = Vertical facing toward azimuth

Refer to the abstract for details on slope specification for tracking
simplereal+-360+3600.090degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?    degrees??    ??      Azimuth of surface-2SN??The solar azimuth angle is the angle between the local meridian and
the projection of the line of sight of the sun onto the horizontal
plane. The reference is as follows:
0  = Facing equator
90 = Facing West
180 (or -180) = Facing away from the equator
-90 (or 270)  = Facing East

Surf. Facing due South in Northern hemisphere:     0
Facing North-East in Northern hemisphere: -135
Facing South-West in Northern hemisphere:  +45
Facing due North in Southern hemisphere:     0
Facing North-East in Southern hemisphere:  -45
Facing South-West in Southern hemisphere: +135

Refer to the abstract for details on the azimuth parameter for
tracking surfaces.simplereal+-360+3600.00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?    degrees   ??    ??      Slope of surface-3SN?The slope of the surface or tracking axis.  The slope is positive
when tilted in the direction of the azimuth.

 0 = Horizontal
90 = Vertical facing toward azimuth

Refer to the abstract for details on slope specification for tracking
simplereal+-360+3600.090degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?    degrees??    ??      Azimuth of surface-3SN??The solar azimuth angle is the angle between the local meridian and
the projection of the line of sight of the sun onto the horizontal
plane. The reference is as follows:
0  = Facing equator
90 = Facing West
180 (or -180) = Facing away from the equator
-90 (or 270)  = Facing East

Surf. Facing due South in Northern hemisphere:     0
Facing North-East in Northern hemisphere: -135
Facing South-West in Northern hemisphere:  +45
Facing due North in Southern hemisphere:     0
Facing North-East in Southern hemisphere:  -45
Facing South-West in Southern hemisphere: +135

Refer to the abstract for details on the azimuth parameter for
tracking surfaces.simplereal+-360+3600.0-90degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?    degrees   ??    ??      Slope of surface-4SN?The slope of the surface or tracking axis.  The slope is positive
when tilted in the direction of the azimuth.

 0 = Horizontal
90 = Vertical facing toward azimuth

Refer to the abstract for details on slope specification for tracking
simplereal+-360+3600.090degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?    degrees??    ??      Azimuth of surface-4SN??The solar azimuth angle is the angle between the local meridian and
the projection of the line of sight of the sun onto the horizontal
plane. The reference is as follows:
0  = Facing equator
90 = Facing West
180 (or -180) = Facing away from the equator
-90 (or 270)  = Facing East

Surf. Facing due South in Northern hemisphere:     0
Facing North-East in Northern hemisphere: -135
Facing South-West in Northern hemisphere:  +45
Facing due North in Southern hemisphere:     0
Facing North-East in Southern hemisphere:  -45
Facing South-West in Southern hemisphere: +135

Refer to the abstract for details on the azimuth parameter for
tracking surfaces.simplereal+-360+3600.090degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?    degrees                        ?hr               ????               any??    ??      Output 2 SN at nth value read from data file (if at least n values are read).
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?   ??   ??       ????          b ?                   ?            ?   ?  ?          T \ ] ^ _ `       ?                  ?   ?         ?   ?  ?   ?       WM N O P          a Q???                               ?   ?  ?   ?        
                  ??	(W   ?  ?      ?  ??          ??  @?  ??   ? ?  ? ?     ?             Z   ?  ?   ?  ?     ?        g?	W   ?  ?       
   ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? 9                ??   ???      Output 3 SN at nth value read from data file (if at least n values are read).
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?   ?any??      Absolute humidity ratio SNEThe absolute humidity ratio of the moist air (kg's H2O / kg dry air).simplereal+
dimensionless[ ; ]    >?      ?   ????          ??                 #             ?   ?  ?   ?        
           ?                 #              ?   ?  ?   ?        
           ?                     #          ?     ?           
           ?                    #          ?     ?           
           ?                 #   #          ?     ?           
           ?                                ?   ?  ?   ?        
           ?                               ?   ?  ?   ?        
          ?     ?   
        M N O P          Q??                   ?   ?         ?   ?  ?          T U V W X Y       ?    ?   ????   ?    '   ?  ??          ??  DC ??C   d e M 	?   ^  Node4g P    
?       ?W:\Trnsys16_0034\Studio\Proformas\Physical Phenomena\Thermodynamic Properties\Psychrometrics\Dry Bulb and Humidity Ratio Known\Type33c.bmpBM?      6   (   #   #         ?  #.  #.          ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????   ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????   ????aa?==?LL??????—????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????   ???uu????????????bb?BB?KK?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????   ???]]???DD?QQ?uu???????????gg?77?qq?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????   ?????88??????????77?\\????????????uu?PP?UU???????????????????????????????????????????????????????   ????????????<<?????????????==?ee????????????????UU?KK?vv?????????????????????????????????????????????   ???aa??????????xx?@@????????????????tt?>>??????????????????vv?CC?tt???????????????????????????????????   ??????YY????????????rr?88??????????????????77?dd???????????????????ll?99??????????????????????????????   ????????????@@???????????????????????????????????BB?YY??????????????????????__?ee????????????????????   ???????????????vv?PP?????????????AA????????????????????``?hh?????????????????????????HH???????????????   ?????????????????????mm????????????????RR??????????????????????LL???????????????????????????AA??????????   ????????????????????????jj????????????????AA????????????????????????CC?????????????????????????__?||??   ???????????????????????????nn?????????????????????????????????????????vv?GG????????????????????????   ??????????????????????????????77???????????????????mm??????????????????????????????????????????????????   ?????????????????????????????????TT???????????????????ll????????????????????????????TT??????????????????   ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????KK??????????????????????????????????????????????   ???????????????????????????????????????;;???????????????????MM????????????????????????????SS?????????????   ??????????????????????????????????????????KK???????????????????LL????????????????????????????UU??????????   ??????????????????????????????????????????nn???????????????????^^???????????????????????????RR???????   ??????????????????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???????????????UU??????????????????????rr?????????????????????????TT???   ????????????????? ?? ??M??M??M?? ?? ???????????????[[??????????????????????99????????????????????????????   ????????????????? ??M????????M?? ???????????????????????????????????????nn???????????????????????   ????????????????? ??M????????M?? ?????????????????ss?????????????????????????????????????????????????   ???????????????????M????????M?? ????????????????????ff????????????????????????????????????????????   ??????????????????? ??M??????M?? ???????????????????????NN?????????????????????????;;????????????????   ???????????????????? ?? ?????? ?? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????yy?????????????   ?????????????????????? ????M?? ?? ???????????????????????????==?????????????????????????jj?????????????   ????????????????????????? ??M?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????99??????????   ?????????????????????????? ?? ?? ????????????????????????????????``?????????????????????????ll??????????   ????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????MM????????????????????????????LL???????   ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????~~?????????????????????????????   ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????II????????????????????????????MM???   ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????YY????????????????????????????jj?}}?   ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????                     #       #   #       #       ?4?   ?  ?      ?  ??          ??           # $  % & '       (?   Type33c      ????????,   ????,   
      ?O??       '   ?  ??          ??  ?A  <B
   l m n o 2 p 6 M q r `       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ?      ????   ????   ? x?   ????   www?   ?      ??   ? ?   ?w??   ?? ?                     
?     ?      ?  ??          ??  B  ?A   u v ] w x y       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ???  ????    ??   ?? ?   ??? ?    ????    ???    ? ?     ? ?   ? ? ?   ?? ?   ????                     
      m?X?   ?  ?   ?   ?  ??          ??  B       u v ] w x y            }    Type33cj.\Physical Phenomena\Thermodynamic Properties\Psychrometrics\Dry Bulb and Humidity Ratio Known\Type33c.tmf   ?>?      ?       2      	   ??    ??      Humidity ratio SNHThe absolute humidity ratio of the moist air (kg's H2O / kg of dry air).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00-
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Wet bulb temperature SN*The wet bulb temperature of the moist air.simplereal+-Inf+Inf00C
Temperature[ ; ]    ?    C??    ??      Enthalpy SN
The enthalpy of the moist air.simplereal+-Inf+Inf00kJ/kgSpecific Energy[ ; ]    ?    kJ/kg??    ??      Density of mixture SN%The density of the air-water mixture.simplereal+-Inf+Inf00kg/m^3Density[ ; ]    ?    kg/m^3??    ??      Density of dry air SN The density of the dry air only.simplereal+-Inf+Inf00kg/m^3Density[ ; ]    ?    kg/m^3??    ??      Percent relative humidity  SN/The percent relative humidity of the moist air.simplereal+-Inf+Inf00-
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?   ??   ??       ????          ?? ?                  K  ?         H  ?  N  ?       ? ? ? ? ?          ??    ??3?   ?  ?         ? ?  ? ?     ?             ?   ?  }  ?  }  ?  ?  ?     ?g?   ?  ?      
   ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? 9                ????      +    2- ARELHUM  (RELATIVE AMBIENT HUMIDITY)  RELATIVE AMBIENT HUMIDITY real -Inf+Inf050%any[;]    ?    ?%               -??    ??      Dry bulb temperature SN*The dry bulb temperature of the moist air.simplereal+-Inf+Inf00C
Temperature[ ; ]    ?    C??    ??      Dew point temperature. SN+The dew point temperature of the moist air.simplereal+-Inf+Inf00C
Temperature[ ; ]    ?    C??    ??      Status SN??A warning flag indicating improper conditions input to this unit. 0 ---> No warning 1 ---> A pressure greater than 5 atmospheres was specified 2 ---> The given enthalpy is less than that possible for the given           humidity ratio 3 ---> A humidity ratio less than zero was specified 4 ---> A wet bulb temperature was supplied that is greater than the           dry bulb temperature 5 ---> A dew point temperature was supplied that is greater than the           dry bulb temperature 6 ---> A wet bulb temperature lower than that for dry air has been           specified 7 ---> A relative humidity less than 0 percent has been specified 8 ---> A relative humidity greater than 100 percent has been            specified 9 ---> A humidity ratio has been specified that is greater than the            humidity ratio for saturated air at the given temperature10 ---> An enthalpy has been specified that is greater than the           enthalpy for saturated air at the given temperature11 ---> An enthalpy has been specified that is less than the enthalpy           for dry air at the given temperature12 ---> Correlation out of range - check the input values13 ---> Correlation out of range - check the input valuessimpleinteger+-Inf+Inf00-
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -           >?      ?       2         ??    ??      Psychrometrics mode SN?This mode indicates to the general psychrometrics routine that thedry bulb temperature and the absolute humidity ratio will be used tocalculate the remaining moist air properties.simpleinteger+4444-
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      
Wet bulb mode SN?LShould the wet bulb temperature be calculated as an output if it is not supplied as one of the inputs? 0 ---> Do not calculate the wet bulb temperature 1 ---> Calculate the wet bulb temperatureIf the wet bulb temperature is not required as an output, this parameter should be set to zero to reduce the required computational effort.simpleinteger+0110-
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      
Error mode SN?The error mode indicates the error handling procedure to the generalpsychrometrics routine: 1 ---> Only one warning condition will be printed throughout the          simulation 2 ---> Warnings will be printed every timestep that warning           conditions occursimpleinteger+1221-
dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -           >?      ?       2              ????????        !               2         ??    ??      Dry bulb temp. SN$The dry bulb temperature of the air.simplereal+-Inf+Inf22.020C
Temperature[ ; ]    ?   ?C??    ???    ??      Pressure SNGTotal system pressure, i.e. atmospheric pressure for ambient conditionssimplereal+0+Inf11atmPressure[ ; ]    ?    atm              ?-               ???               ???   ????      &    3- TSKY  (FIKTIVE SKY TEMPERATURE)  FIKTIVE SKY TEMPERATURE real -Inf+Inf0
Temperature[;]    ?     C               any??    ???    ??      Output 4 SN at nth value read from data file (if at least n values are read).
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?   ??   ???         21- WINDVEL  (INPUT)  INPUT real -Inf+Inf02anyany[;]    ?    any               any??    ??      Output 5 SN at nth value read from data file (if at least n values are read).
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?   ??   ???         22- WINDDIR  (INPUT)  INPUT real -Inf+Inf0150anyany[;]    ?    	any               any??    ???    ??      Output 7 SN at nth value read from data file (if at least n values are read).
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      Output 8 SN at nth value read from data file (if at least n values are read).
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      Output 9 SN at nth value read from data file (if at least n values are read).
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 10 SN at nth value read from data file (if at least n values are read).
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 11 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 12 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 13 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 14 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 15 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 16 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 17 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 18 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 19 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 20 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 21 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 22 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 23 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 24 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 25 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 26 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 27 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 28 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 29 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 30 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 31 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 32 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 33 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 34 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 35 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 36 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 37 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 38 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 39 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 40 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 41 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      
Output 42  SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 43 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 44 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 45 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 46 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 47 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 48 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 49 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 50 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 51 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 52 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 53 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 54 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 55 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 56 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 57 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 58 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 59 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 60 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 61 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 62 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 63 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 64 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 65 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 66 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 67 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 68 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 69 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 70 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 71 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 72 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 73 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 74 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 75 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 76 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 77 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 78 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 79 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 80 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 81 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 82 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 83 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 84 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 85 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 86 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 87 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 88 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 89 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 90 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 91 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 92 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 93 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 94 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 95 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 96 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 97 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ??      	Output 98 SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any??    ???    ???    >?      C ??      No. of values to read SN?"This parameter specifies how many values are to be read from each line of the data file. Note that even if some values are used, the component must read all values up to the last one which is used. E.g. if only the 1st, 2nd and 6th values are desired, this parameter should be equal to 6.
Dimensionless[ ; ]    >?      C        2         ??    ??      Mode SN??This parameter sets the mode of the data reader. The different values (Modes 1 to 6) are explained hereunder:

1: The first line in the data file is the simulation start time. Initial conditions are provided as instantaneous values for ALL variables (including the ones that are given as average values over the time step in the rest of the data file)

2: The first line in the data file is the simulation start time. Initial conditions are provided as instantaneous or averaged values over one timestep according to the options set for each variables

3. The first line in the data file corresponds to the first time step of the simulation. No initial values are provided in the file.

4: The first line in the data file corresponds to time = 0. If the simulation start is not 0, lines are skipped accordingly in the data file. Initial conditions are provided as instantaneous values for ALL variables (including the ones that are given as average values over the time step in the rest of the data file)

5: The first line in the data file corresponds to time = 0. If the simulation start is not 0, lines are skipped accordingly in the data file. Initial conditions are provided as instantaneous or averaged values over one timestep according to the options set for each variables

6. The first line in the data file corresponds to the first timestep in a year. If the simulation does not start at the beginning of the year, lines are skipped in the data file. No initial values are provided in the filesimpleinteger+1623-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Header Lines to Skip SNzNumber of header lines to skip in the data file (e.g. Variable names, units, or additional information not used by TRNSYS)simpleinteger+0+Inf00-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ???    ??      Time interval of data SN?Time interval used to record the data in the file (e.g. hourly = 1.0, daily  = 24.0).

The data time interval must be an integer multiplier of the simulation timestep. E.g. if the simulation timestep is 15 minutes, the data time interval could be 15 min, 30 min, 1h, etc.simplereal+0.0+Inf1.01hrTime[ ; ]    ?    hr??    >?      C ?No. of values to read    b         ??    ??      Interpolate or not-1SN??This parameter indicates whether the values for the nth variable in the data file are to be interpolated (1) or not (-1). Parameter 5 is for the first column, Parameter 9 is for the second column, etc. Note that in Formatted read "the nth column" means the nth value read using the specified format.
Radiation values should NOT be interpolated - this is the function of
the radiation processor.simpleinteger+-111-1-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Multiplication factor-1SN?Multiplication factor for the nth variable (column). Parameter 6 is for the first column, Parameter 10 is for the second column, etc.
Output(n) = Value(n) * multiplication factor + addition factor
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Addition factor-1SN?Addition factor for the nth variable (column). Parameter 7 is for the first column, Parameter 11 is for the second column, etc.
Output(n) = Value(n) * multiplication factor + addition factorsimplereal+-Inf+Inf00-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      
Average or instantaneous value-1SN?AThis parameter indicates whether the nth variable (column) is an average value over the data time interval (0) or an instantaneous value (1). Note that printed results from previous TRNSYS simulations are average values over the time step.
Parameter 8 is for the first column, Parameter 12 is for the second column, etc.simpleinteger+0100-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Interpolate or not-2SN??This parameter indicates whether the values for the nth variable in the data file are to be interpolated (1) or not (-1). Parameter 5 is for the first column, Parameter 9 is for the second column, etc. Note that in Formatted read "the nth column" means the nth value read using the specified format.
Radiation values should NOT be interpolated - this is the function of
the radiation processor.simpleinteger+-111-1-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Multiplication factor-2SN?Multiplication factor for the nth variable (column). Parameter 6 is for the first column, Parameter 10 is for the second column, etc.
Output(n) = Value(n) * multiplication factor + addition factor
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Addition factor-2SN?Addition factor for the nth variable (column). Parameter 7 is for the first column, Parameter 11 is for the second column, etc.
Output(n) = Value(n) * multiplication factor + addition factorsimplereal+-Inf+Inf00-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      
Average or instantaneous value-2SN?AThis parameter indicates whether the nth variable (column) is an average value over the data time interval (0) or an instantaneous value (1). Note that printed results from previous TRNSYS simulations are average values over the time step.
Parameter 8 is for the first column, Parameter 12 is for the second column, etc.simpleinteger+0100-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Interpolate or not-3SN??This parameter indicates whether the values for the nth variable in the data file are to be interpolated (1) or not (-1). Parameter 5 is for the first column, Parameter 9 is for the second column, etc. Note that in Formatted read "the nth column" means the nth value read using the specified format.
Radiation values should NOT be interpolated - this is the function of
the radiation processor.simpleinteger+-111-1-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Multiplication factor-3SN?Multiplication factor for the nth variable (column). Parameter 6 is for the first column, Parameter 10 is for the second column, etc.
Output(n) = Value(n) * multiplication factor + addition factor
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Addition factor-3SN?Addition factor for the nth variable (column). Parameter 7 is for the first column, Parameter 11 is for the second column, etc.
Output(n) = Value(n) * multiplication factor + addition factorsimplereal+-Inf+Inf00-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      
Average or instantaneous value-3SN?AThis parameter indicates whether the nth variable (column) is an average value over the data time interval (0) or an instantaneous value (1). Note that printed results from previous TRNSYS simulations are average values over the time step.
Parameter 8 is for the first column, Parameter 12 is for the second column, etc.simpleinteger+0100-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Interpolate or not-4SN??This parameter indicates whether the values for the nth variable in the data file are to be interpolated (1) or not (-1). Parameter 5 is for the first column, Parameter 9 is for the second column, etc. Note that in Formatted read "the nth column" means the nth value read using the specified format.
Radiation values should NOT be interpolated - this is the function of
the radiation processor.simpleinteger+-111-1-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Multiplication factor-4SN?Multiplication factor for the nth variable (column). Parameter 6 is for the first column, Parameter 10 is for the second column, etc.
Output(n) = Value(n) * multiplication factor + addition factor
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Addition factor-4SN?Addition factor for the nth variable (column). Parameter 7 is for the first column, Parameter 11 is for the second column, etc.
Output(n) = Value(n) * multiplication factor + addition factorsimplereal+-Inf+Inf00-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      
Average or instantaneous value-4SN?AThis parameter indicates whether the nth variable (column) is an average value over the data time interval (0) or an instantaneous value (1). Note that printed results from previous TRNSYS simulations are average values over the time step.
Parameter 8 is for the first column, Parameter 12 is for the second column, etc.simpleinteger+0100-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Interpolate or not-5SN??This parameter indicates whether the values for the nth variable in the data file are to be interpolated (1) or not (-1). Parameter 5 is for the first column, Parameter 9 is for the second column, etc. Note that in Formatted read "the nth column" means the nth value read using the specified format.
Radiation values should NOT be interpolated - this is the function of
the radiation processor.simpleinteger+-111-1-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Multiplication factor-5SN?Multiplication factor for the nth variable (column). Parameter 6 is for the first column, Parameter 10 is for the second column, etc.
Output(n) = Value(n) * multiplication factor + addition factor
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Addition factor-5SN?Addition factor for the nth variable (column). Parameter 7 is for the first column, Parameter 11 is for the second column, etc.
Output(n) = Value(n) * multiplication factor + addition factorsimplereal+-Inf+Inf00-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      
Average or instantaneous value-5SN?AThis parameter indicates whether the nth variable (column) is an average value over the data time interval (0) or an instantaneous value (1). Note that printed results from previous TRNSYS simulations are average values over the time step.
Parameter 8 is for the first column, Parameter 12 is for the second column, etc.simpleinteger+0100-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -   ??    ??      Interpolate or not-6SN??This parameter indicates whether the values for the nth variable in the data file are to be interpolated (1) or not (-1). Parameter 5 is for the first column, Parameter 9 is for the second column, etc. Note that in Formatted read "the nth column" means the nth value read using the specified format.
Radiation values should NOT be interpolated - this is the function of
the radiation processor.simpleinteger+-111-1-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Multiplication factor-6SN?Multiplication factor for the nth variable (column). Parameter 6 is for the first column, Parameter 10 is for the second column, etc.
Output(n) = Value(n) * multiplication factor + addition factor
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      Addition factor-6SN?Addition factor for the nth variable (column). Parameter 7 is for the first column, Parameter 11 is for the second column, etc.
Output(n) = Value(n) * multiplication factor + addition factorsimplereal+-Inf+Inf00-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -??    ??      
Average or instantaneous value-6SN?AThis parameter indicates whether the nth variable (column) is an average value over the data time interval (0) or an instantaneous value (1). Note that printed results from previous TRNSYS simulations are average values over the time step.
Parameter 8 is for the first column, Parameter 12 is for the second column, etc.simpleinteger+0100-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -          ??    ??      Logical unit for input file SN?This parameter sets the Fortran Logical Unit (File reference number) of the output file. It is used internally by TRNSYS to refer to the file. This parameter will automatically be assigned to a unique value by the TRNSYS Studio.simpleinteger+309993091-
Dimensionless[ ; ]   ?    -??    ??      Specified format mode SN?The value of 1 for this parameter indicates that the data reader should read data in the input file using the format string specified in "Special Cards". Do not change this parameter, use another proforma if you want to read a file in free format mode.simpleinteger+1111-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?    -        	       -No. of values to read    b         ??    ??       Value at next timestep of Output-1SN6The value at the next timestep of the listed output.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any   ??    ??       Value at next timestep of Output-2SN6The value at the next timestep of the listed output.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any   ??    ??       Value at next timestep of Output-3SN6The value at the next timestep of the listed output.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any   ??    ??       Value at next timestep of Output-4SN6The value at the next timestep of the listed output.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any   ??    ??       Value at next timestep of Output-5SN6The value at the next timestep of the listed output.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any   ??    ??       Value at next timestep of Output-6SN6The value at the next timestep of the listed output.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?    any    d   d           d      ?any??         23- PAMB_ABS  (INPUT)  INPUT real -Inf+Inf098800anyany[;]    ?    ?any               	 ???               C            ??    ???    ??    =??    :??    7??    4??    1??    %??    "??    ??    
??    ? ??    ??    ??    ??    ??    >??    ??         19- HOUTSIDE  (INPUT)  INPUT real -Inf+Inf060anyany[;]    ?     any??    ??         20- FAN  (INPUT)  INPUT real -Inf+Inf01anyany[;]    ?    ??   ??       ????          ?                   
   ?          ?   ?   ?   ?        T U V W X Y       ? ?                  ?   P         #  D  )  J       ? ? ? ? ?          Q?+?                 (             ?   ?   ?   ?         
               ?    P?<
?   ?   ?  ?   ?  ??          ??   C  ?   ? ?  ? ?     ?             
   ?          ?  0  ?     `?F?   ?   ?  ?    
   ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? 9                )??      Average value of function SN8The average value of the function over the timestep.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    >?      ?   ????          ?                               t   ?   t   ?         
           .?                 (              ?   ?   ?   ?         
           ?                     (          t   
           ?                    (          ?   
           ?                 (   (          ?   
           ?                                t   ?   t   ?         
           ?                               ?   ?   ?   ?         
           ?                               ?   ?   ?           M N O P          -Q??                   ?   ?          ?   ?   ?   ?        T \ ] ^ _ `       .       0??
]   ?   ?   !   ?  ??          ??  ?B  bC   d e M 	?   ^  Node6g P    
?       >C:\trnsys15\IISiBat3\Exe\..\Icon\TYPE14h.bmp031124659341224502BMv       v   (   (   (            ?  ?          ? ? ??? ??? ???       ?       ? ? ??V Z?          ?V ;6???   ? """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$""B"$""B"$"""""""DDDDDDDDDDDDDB""""""@           """""""@           """""""@           """"""$@           """""""@         "#"""""""@         "#"""""""@         "#"""""""@         "#""""""$@         33"""""""B"        "#"""""""B"      ""2"#"""""""B"      ""2"#"""""""B"      ""2"#""""""$C30     33333"""""""B"      ""2"#"""""""B"   "#""2"#"""""""B"   "#""2"#"""""""B"   "#""2"#""""""$C30  3333333"""""""B"   "#""2"#"""""""B"#""2"#""2"#"""""""B"#""2"#""2"#"""""""B"#""2"#""2"#""""""$D333333333333"""""""B"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""                  (       (   (       (      zR?
t   ?   ?   
   ?  ??          ??           u v M w x y       (?   TYPE14h      ????????,   ????,   
  ?   !   ?  ??          ??  ?A  PB
   l m n o 2 p 6 M q r `       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ?      ????   ????   ? x?   ????   www?   ?      ??   ? ?   ?w??   ?? ?                     
      ??t?   ?   ?   
   ?  ??          ??  $B  ?A   u v ] w x y       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ???  ????    ??   ?? ?   ??? ?    ????    ???    ? ?     ? ?   ? ? ?   ?? ?   ????                     
      ?c?   ?   ?   ?    ?  ??          ??  $B       u v ] w x y            }    TYPE14h/.\Utility\Forcing Functions\General\TYPE14h.tmf   >?      3       2                      2>?      3       2         ??    ??      Initial value of time SN{The initial value of time for the function.  If the cycle is to repeat,
this initial value of time must be set to 0.0.

simplereal+0+Inf00hrTime[ ; ]    I    hr??    ??      Initial value of function SN9The value of the function at the initial value of time.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00.0anyany[ ; ]    I    any??    >?      3   HBesides the initial point, how many points make up the forcing function?   d         ??    ??      
Time at point-1SN2The value of time at the specified data point.

simplereal+0+Inf1.011hrTime[ ; ]    O    hr??    ??      Value at point -1SN:The value of the function at the specified data point.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    O    any   ??    ??      
Time at point-2SN2The value of time at the specified data point.

simplereal+0+Inf1.011hrTime[ ; ]    O    hr??    ??      Value at point -2SN:The value of the function at the specified data point.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf01anyany[ ; ]    O    any   ??    ??      
Time at point-3SN2The value of time at the specified data point.

simplereal+0+Inf1.022hrTime[ ; ]    O    hr??    ??      Value at point -3SN:The value of the function at the specified data point.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf01anyany[ ; ]    O    any   ??    ??      
Time at point-4SN2The value of time at the specified data point.

simplereal+0+Inf1.022hrTime[ ; ]    O    hr??    ??      Value at point -4SN:The value of the function at the specified data point.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    O    any   ??    ??      
Time at point-5SN2The value of time at the specified data point.

simplereal+0+Inf1.024hrTime[ ; ]    O    hr??    ??      Value at point -5SN:The value of the function at the specified data point.

simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    O    any                        >?      3       2                                 
           2         ??    1??    ??      1Instantaneous value of function over the timestep SNEThe instantaneous value of the function at the end of the timestep.
simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    2    any               ??   ??       ????          =? ?                  ?   #         ?      ?   &       WM N O P          <?     LJ?   ?   	  S   ?  ??          ??           ? ?  ? ?     ?             ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   P  	  P     ?=
?   ?   	  S    
   ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? 9                h1?                )any(               any??    ??    
??    ??    ??         24- CONAMB_1  (INPUT)  INPUT real -Inf+Inf00anyany[;]    ?     any??    ??         25- CONAMB_2  (INPUT)  INPUT real -Inf+Inf00anyany[;]    ?     any??    ??         26- CONAMB_3  (INPUT)  INPUT real -Inf+Inf00anyany[;]    ?     any??    ??         27- CONAMB_4  (INPUT)  INPUT real -Inf+Inf00anyany[;]    ?     any??    ??         28- CONAMB_5  (INPUT)  INPUT real -Inf+Inf00anyany[;]    ?     any??    ??         29- TRNFLOW  (INPUT)  INPUT real -Inf+Inf01anyany[;]    ?     any               ? 	kJ/hr.m^2               any            >?      ?        d                      >?      ?        d                                             ? ??    ? 
Input1*0.6   ??    Input1             ??    *             ??    0.6          
   ? ??    ? 
Input2-Input3   ??    Input2             ??    -             ??    Input3         
          d         ? ??    0??    /               hany??????????u????????????56V?*?

 !"#$%'mnoprtvxz            >?               d      ?   ? ? ??


345?	stuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????????????            >?               d      B   ?????????????????JLN:<=?ACEGIKMOY[]_ac??????-/1357??????????????            >?               d                                    ????       ?????????  ?       
?   2                                   
?   (                                  "?   r  ??? ?   h     M N O 
? *T??)i? C ??3_B???   trnTextComponent       ?This is an example for TRNFLOW. 
It will only run with a valid TRNFLOW-version.
This example is discribed in your TRNSYS
manual TYPE 56: MULTI-ZONE BUILDING - General Description
at chapter 4.3
More Information about TRNFLOW
 is available at http://www.transsolar.com
      ?  c???  c???  ?  ?  ?     8t?   ????  ?    ??I/A        ???>xo??UA
   r 	?   ^  Text1M l m ?   ?      ?   ?      2 3?         ???              ???   ? P          |?    Text   ??       -This example will not work 
without TRNFLOW       ?  T   ?  T   ?    ?       ~?
  (     ^    ?J??@        ?>????0??A
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      Times New Roman
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Water Loop   |?    Air Loop   |?    Outputs   ?|?    Controls   |?    
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CONTROL CARDEquaType9fTYPE16aType33cType56a-TRNFLowTYPE14hEqua-2Type65dTYPE28d	TYPE28d-4	TYPE28d-3 ?  ?  

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