[TRNSYS-users] Type 519a

David Bradley bradley at tess-inc.com
Thu Jun 14 13:03:26 PDT 2007

   My understanding is that this problem arises because the full path 
of the plugin and the external file that is written by the plugin are 
not passed (only relative paths are passed). The best way to solve 
the problem is to copy a *.hol file from the ..\Trnsys16\Tess 
Models\Applications\ directory into your 
..\Trnsys16\MyProjects\...directory, then open the Type519 component, 
switch to the "External Files" tab, browse for the *.hol file that 
you want to use in your project, then switch to the Parameters tab 
and launch the plugin. Modify the *.hol file to your liking, then 
select save and exit to return to the Studio.

At 10:32 6/13/2007, Samuele wrote:
>Dear all,
>I'm using Type 519a: I have setted the day of the year in the 
>file.hol but an error immediately occurs;
>"The data file supplied to the Type 519 schedule component could not 
>be correctly read. Please check the location and contents of this file".
>Could anybody tell me what the problem is?
>Thanks in advance.
>TRNSYS-users mailing list
>TRNSYS-users at engr.wisc.edu

Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC
David BRADLEY                           2916 Marketplace Drive - Suite 104
Partner                                        Madison, WI 53719
Phone: (608) 274-2577 USA
Fax: (608) 278-1475
E-mail: bradley at tess-inc.com
Web Pages:  http://www.tess-inc.com     and      http://www.trnsys.com

"Providing software solutions for today's energy engineering projects"
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