[TRNSYS-users] :-(( Re: :-(( Re: Shading masks

Adrien JEZEQUEL a.jezequel at itf.biz
Fri Jul 13 06:30:16 PDT 2007

Thanks a lot David,

Indeed, The type 56 was before the shading component. After checking 
component order in the input file and arranging them in the appropriate 
order, the simulation runs without  problem.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Best regards, Adrien

David Bradley a écrit :
> Adrien,
>  Check the order of your components. If Type56 appears in the input 
> file before the shading component then it gets called first and 
> sometimes gets an incidence angle from the previous time step before 
> it gets the revised incidence angle from the current time step.
> Cheers,
>  David
> At 02:24 7/13/2007, Adrien JEZEQUEL wrote:
>> Dear David,
>> Thanks a lot for your answer and your explanation which were really 
>> helpful to adapt the *.msk file.
>> But I encounter another problem concerning beam radiation on facing 
>> East : warning messages appear and block the simulation running (when 
>> the maximum number of warnings allowed exceeds of course). I am not 
>> sure that increasing the maximum of allowed warnings is the right 
>> way. So I am searching some way to fix these warnings but without 
>> success.
>> The warning message is written below. It concerns beam radiation on 
>> East surface orientation with Type 56:
>>    /"Beam radiation greater than 0 occured for an incident angle of 
>> 100.48 greater then 90° for orientation 11. Beam radiation has been 
>> set to 0."/
>> This message appears for every surface which have east orientation at 
>> different time step.
>> If anyone have an idea concerning that problem, he's welcome.
>> Thanks in advance for your answers.
>> King regards, Adrien
>> David Bradley a écrit :
>>> Adrien,
>>>   The first column in the *.msk file is the angle formed between the 
>>> horizontal and an imaginary line drawn between the center point of 
>>> the shaded surface and the top of the obstruction. If you enter an 
>>> angle of 0° that means that the obstruction has a height of 0 in 
>>> that direction and that the surface would be unshaded from sunlight 
>>> coming from that direction. If you enter a value of 90° that means 
>>> that the obstruction has an infinite height in that direction and 
>>> that the surface would always be shaded from sunlight coming from 
>>> that direction. 0° = no shading, 90° = complete shading (for that 
>>> surface angle direction)
>>> Cheers,
>>>  David
>>> At 11:17 7/12/2007, Adrien JEZEQUEL wrote:
>>>> Dear TRNSYS users,
>>>> I'd like to model shading masks, caused by neighbour buildings. To do
>>>> that, I am using Type 68 with "mask file". I understand how to use it
>>>> and to connect it to others components. But I am not sure to really
>>>> understand how the first column of the file is taken into account by
>>>> TRNSYS.
>>>> If I put an angle between 0 and 90 °, it means that there is a solar
>>>> shading isn't it? But if I write 0 or 90°, what does it mean? How 
>>>> these
>>>> values are interpreted by the component : Total shading? No Shading?
>>>> Thanks in advance for your help.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Adrien
>>>> -- 
>>>> ***************************************************************
>>>> Adrien JEZEQUEL
>>>> Ingénieur en Simulations Dynamiques
>>>> ITF (Ingénierie Tous Fluides)
>>>> 87, route de Chambéry
>>>> Tel:
>>>> Website: www.itf.biz
>>>> Mail : a.jezequel at itf.biz
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>>> Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC
>>> David BRADLEY                           2916 Marketplace Drive - 
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>> ***************************************************************
>> Adrien JEZEQUEL
>> Ingénieur en Simulations Dynamiques
>> ITF (Ingénierie Tous Fluides)
>> 87, route de Chambéry
>> Tel:
>> Website: www.itf.biz
>> Mail : a.jezequel at itf.biz
> **************************************************************************************** 
> Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC
> David BRADLEY                           2916 Marketplace Drive - Suite 
> 104
> Partner                                        Madison, WI 53719
> Phone: (608) 274-2577 USA
> Fax: (608) 278-1475
> E-mail: bradley at tess-inc.com
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Ingénieur en Simulations Dynamiques
ITF (Ingénierie Tous Fluides)
87, route de Chambéry
Website: www.itf.biz
Mail : a.jezequel at itf.biz

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