[TRNSYS-users] Internal Heat Load in Residential Building

David Bradley bradley at tess-inc.com
Mon Jul 23 12:42:57 PDT 2007

   In the US, there is an organization called 
ASHRAE (American Society for Heatin, 
Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers) 
that publishes a lot of information about 
supposedly "typical" values for lighting, 
occupancy, and equipment gains. In my experience, 
the architects on real life projects have a good 
knowledge of what the lighting and occupancy 
density should be (W/m2 and occupants/m2) and 
that it isn't too hard to come up with a 
reasonable profile for how much of the full 
density is active at different hours of the day. 
Equipment gains are a bit harder. ASHRAE suggests 
that for a "typical" office building in the US, a 
low equipment density would be 5.4W/m2 (15.5 
m2/workstation with computer, printer, monitor, 
fax, and printer at each), medium would be 
10.8W/m2, medium/heavy would be 16.1 W/m2, and 
heavy would be 21.5 W/m2 (7.8 m2/workstation with 
computer, printer, monitor, fax, and printer at 
each). I would imagine that similar standards are 
published for the EU or for specific countries.
Kind regards,

At 09:35 7/20/2007, Adrien JEZEQUEL wrote:
>Dear TRNSYS User,
>In order to estimate energy rate consumption and internal summer
>temperature in residential building with Type 56, I am searching for
>typical internal heat loads values (lights, occupancy, equipments like
>fridges or furnaces, ...) with typical day schedules.
>For example I am searching for informations just like :
>    TIME         Internal Heat load Value
>     01                             xx kJ/hr
>     02                             xx kJ/hr
>     03                             xx kJ/hr
>      ...
>     12                             xx kJ/hr
>      ...
>     24                             xx kJ/hr
>This heat load profile will be repeated every day for a year.
>Does anybody have this kind of informations ?
>I have tried to create my own heat load profile, but temperatures given
>in thermal zone are really too high (So high that heating is not
>necessary in Winter!)
>Thanks in advanced for your help,
>King regards, Adrien
>Ingénieur en Simulations Dynamiques
>ITF (Ingénierie Tous Fluides)
>87, route de Chambéry
>Website: www.itf.biz
>Mail : a.jezequel at itf.biz
>TRNSYS-users mailing list
>TRNSYS-users at engr.wisc.edu

Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC
David BRADLEY                           2916 Marketplace Drive - Suite 104
Partner                                        Madison, WI 53719
Phone: (608) 274-2577 USA
Fax: (608) 278-1475
E-mail: bradley at tess-inc.com
Web Pages:  http://www.tess-inc.com     and      http://www.trnsys.com

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