[TRNSYS-users] variable name length problem

David Bradley bradley at tess-inc.com
Fri Aug 17 08:49:43 PDT 2007

  I think that you have two different versions on your two machines. 
TRNSYS 15 only ever looked at the first 10 characters of an equation 
name and usually that was okay but if two equation names were both 
longer than 10 characters and were exactly the same in their first 10 
characters, TRNSYS 15 would think that you had defined the same 
equation twice although there was no indication that TRNSYS was only 
paying attention to the first 10 characters of the equation names. At 
one point, we put an error into TRNSYS 15 so that people would be 
prevented from making equation names longer than 10 characters. That, 
however, did not make us popular so we changed it to a warning in a 
later release. If the simulation that works isn't giving you any 
message at all concerning your equation names then it is an earlier 
version than the one that is giving you the error. If the one that 
works is giving you a warning then it is a more recent version than 
the one that is giving you the error.

At 01:42 8/17/2007, Graham Morrison wrote:
>Dear Trnsys users
>We have just installed TRNSYS15 on a new machine and get the following
>error message for a deck that runs fine on another machine.
>   ***** ERROR *****
>   At least one equation uses a variable name longer than 10 characters.
>   Please use shorter variable names (<= 10 char)
>What have we missed in the installation?
>Graham Morrison
>Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering
>School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
>The University of New South Wales
>Sydney  Australia 2052
>Phone  +61 2  93854127
>Fax       +61 2 96631222
>CRICOS Provider Code: 00098G
>g.morrison at unsw.edu.au
>Solar Thermal Energy Laboratory UNSW
>TRNSYS-users mailing list
>TRNSYS-users at engr.wisc.edu

Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC
David BRADLEY                           2916 Marketplace Drive - Suite 104
Partner                                        Madison, WI 53719
Phone: (608) 274-2577 USA
Fax: (608) 278-1475
E-mail: bradley at tess-inc.com
Web Pages:  http://www.tess-inc.com     and      http://www.trnsys.com

"Providing software solutions for today's energy engineering projects"

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