[TRNSYS-users] Lumped capacitance model

Sophie Masson smasson at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Apr 2 11:32:44 PDT 2007

Hi Folks,

I am modeling a zone both in TRNSYS and in Matlab with ventilation but 
no infiltration and no occupancy or lighting gains.
- initial room temperature = 10C
- outside air temperature = 10C
- ventilation air temperature = 26C
- ventilation air change = 3 ACH/hr (432 kg/hr) )

In TRNSYS, I have 2 different zone models (Type 56 and Type 88, lumped 
capacitance). The model in Matlab is a lumped capacitance model (with a 
1 second - simulation time step).

I am using the same inputs (building dimensions, capacitance, loss 
coefficient...) for the 3 models. The room air temperature reaches the 
setpoint (20C) in 20 min with the Matlab model and ... 8hr with the 
TRNSYS model (whatever time step or wall base I choose).
Why such a difference? Is it linked to the way TRNSYS calculates the 
results (hourly based and not calculate the energy accumulation each 
8hr seems to be not reasonable, but I can not figure out where the 
problem comes from.

Thanks for your help,


Sophie V. Masson
Research Engineer
Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: 412 268 3939
Fax: 412 268 6129
Email: smasson at andrew.cmu.edu

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