[TRNSYS-users] parameter cycle definition.

FAURE Xavier xavier.faure at cstb.fr
Thu Oct 5 01:08:58 PDT 2006



I'm programming a new type on the trnsys environment and i need de define
cycle in parameter definition.


I was wondering how should be define the PAR vector in fortran since it
length is a function of its first and second values?


When exporting the type as a fortran file, no difference appeared within the
declaration of number of parameters (NP) and the PAR vector comparing with
type without any cycle definition.


Can anyone give a hand for the declaration pb ?


Thank you by advance



Xavier Faure


Enveloppes & Revêtements

Caractérisation Physique des Matériaux

24 rue Joseph Fourier

38400 Saint Martin d'Heres

Tel : 33 (0)4 76 76 25 74

Fax : 33 (0)4 76 76 25 60

mail :  <mailto:xavier.faure at cstb.fr> xavier.faure at cstb.fr 

web :  <http://www.cstb.fr> www.cstb.fr


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