[TRNSYS-users] creating a new component

mohammad abdunnabi moh_jum at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 2 04:32:03 PST 2006

Dear TRNSYS users

I'm going to creat new component which will be called by Trnsys just once during the whole simulation. this component is not  function of time nor weather data, it will calculate some information to be parameter to other components. my qustions are:
1- Is it possible to write a component in TRnsys without inputs (NI=0) or I should include input even if they are not function of time (constants).
2- In this component shall I put INFO(9) = 0
3- How about INFO(10) shall I put it Info(10)=0 and do I need to call set storageSize() in such case
  ( in fact, i'm a little bit confused about using storage functions)

any help will be approciated 

many thanks

M. Abdunnabi
Civil and Building Engineering dept.
Loughborough University, UK
LE11 3TU

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