[TRNSYS-users] Type 4 as an equilibrium bottle

Michel Bernier michel.bernier at polymtl.ca
Mon Mar 6 13:42:28 PST 2006


Are you referring to a “bouteille casse pression”
(a bottle to break the pressure) when you mention equilibrium bottle ?

A  “bouteille casse pression” is usually inserted between
a primary and a secondary pumping system to hydraulically
decouple both systems.
The most common term used in english is "common pipe"
(see for example ASHRAE handbook-2000, page12.12 fig. 23)
It is not a "tank" but usually as the form of an oversized pipe
with several inlet/outlets. You may want to model
the “bouteille casse pression” as a flow mixer similar to type11d
or as a small type4 tank.

Voila !

Michel Bernier

P.S A similar question was asked on this forum on : Tue, 13 Jan 2004 13:12:27
Michel Bernier ing., Ph.D.
Departement de genie mecanique
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
Case Postale 6079, Succ. "Centre-Ville"
Montreal, Quebec Canada
H3C 3A7
Tél: (514) 340-4711 ext: 4381
Fax: (514) 340-5917
e-mail:michel.bernier at polymtl.ca

At 09:13 2006-03-06, David Bradley wrote:
>Hello Amandine,
>>Is the Type4 (storage tank) adapted to model an equilibrium bottle?
>I am not 100% certain what you mean by an 
>equilibrium bottle. However, Type4 is able to 
>model any sized vertically cylindrical liquid 
>filled vessel provided that the volume of liquid 
>inside the vessel does not change. Type4 assumes 
>that the vessel is always completely full. If 
>you need a variable volume tank, you can consider the use of Type39.
>>I did not manage to understand how Type4 is 
>>operating without any heating element or heat exchanger;
>The questions that you must answer in the TRNSYS 
>Studio proforma can be a little confusing. The 
>easiest way to model a tank with no heating 
>element is to simply set the two "heating 
>element power" parameters each to zero. In that 
>way, no matter what happens in terms of the 
>tank's controls, the elements are unable to 
>provide any energy to the liquid. I would not 
>suggest answering the question "how many heating 
>elements to be modeled in this tank?" with 0 - 
>simply leave the default answer as "2."
>The way that the Type4 parameters are set up by 
>default when you drag out a new proforma into 
>your simulation is without any heat exchangers 
>so I don't think that you need to do anything about those.
>Kind regards,
>  David
>Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC
>David BRADLEY                           2916 Marketplace Drive - Suite 104
>Partner                                        Madison, WI 53719
>Phone: (608) 274-2577 USA
>Fax: (608) 278-1475
>E-mail: bradley at tess-inc.com
>Web Pages:  http://www.tess-inc.com     and      http://www.trnsys.com
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