[TRNSYS-users] Star matrix error of TYPE56

Diego A. Arias daarias at wisc.edu
Mon Jul 17 09:58:17 PDT 2006

Dear Candy,

Sorry for taking so long to reply, but I needed to ask the building 
experts. Monika Schultz from Transsolar helped me with your question:

One possible reason might be the wrong (or double) assignment of FRONT 
and BACK. However TRNBuild does this automatically.
For external walls the FRONT side is the inner surface.

Please feel free to send me your .bui and project files in order to help 
you finding the problem.
Best regards,


Stefan de Kool wrote:
> Dear candy
> I have not had this error before, but the manual says this: “ERROR 185 
> - The TYPE 56 multi-zone building model has reported a singular 
> matrix. The star matrix is singular. Check the input file description 
> for inconsistencies in the building description.”. So there might be 
> something wrong in your .bui file. I don’t know if this gives you any 
> clue.
> Concerning front and back: back is the side facing the zone
> Good luck
> Stefan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Van:* trnsys-users-bounces at engr.wisc.edu 
> [mailto:trnsys-users-bounces at engr.wisc.edu] *Namens *candyhe
> *Verzonden:* maandag 3 juli 2006 16:35
> *Aan:* trnsys-users at engr.wisc.edu
> *Onderwerp:* [TRNSYS-users] Star matrix error of TYPE56
> Dear all,
> Does any body know what will cause such an error? I uesd the Prebid to 
> model a 6 zones building. When I run it in TRNSYS, I got the error report.
> ***** ERROR ***** TRNSYS ERROR # 185
> BTW, I am also a little bit confuse about the adjacent wall. Which 
> direction is the front? and which direction is the back? Would any one 
> help me out? Thanks very much.
> Best Regards,
> Candy,He Miaomiao
> MPhil. Student
> Department of Mechanical Engineering
> University of Hong Kong
> http://www.hku.hk/
> (+852)28592642
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Diego A. Arias
TRNSYS Coordinator
Solar Energy Laboratory
University of Wisconsin - Madison
1500 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

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