[TRNSYS-users] reg: roof garden with TYPE 56

Filippo Busato busato at gest.unipd.it
Tue Feb 28 01:16:08 PST 2006

David Bradley ha scritto:
> Raj,
>   I am not aware of a green roof model for TRNSYS. You could certainly 
> simulate a dry green roof by simply adding a soil material layer to 
> your Type56 wall description. The problem comes with dealing with a 
> wet roof, in which case the thermal properties can change quite 
> dramatically when the roof is dry or wet. I think you would have to 
> write a model that takes Type56's inside surface temperature and 
> simulates the temperature, and moisture gradients through the soil 
> layer in your roof. The model would need to incorporate some algorithm 
> to estimate the moisture evaporation rate from the roof surface as 
> well as the solar incident on its surface.  I would be interested to 
> hear if people have a different idea as to how to approach such a 
> problem. We have seen a few projects come through with a green roof 
> but never had one in which we were able to develop such a model.
> Cheers,
>  David
> At 12:20 2/27/2006, RAJ KUMAR wrote:
Hi everybody, we recently published a paper on the topic of Green Roof, 
quoted below.

BUSATO F., CASTELLOTTI F., LAZZARIN R. (2005). Experimental measurements 
and numerical modelling of a green roof. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS. vol. 37, 
pp. 1260-1267 ISSN: 0378-7788.

There you'll find a thermodynamic model for the physical system of a 
green roof. To analyse measurements we wrote down mass and energy 
balances, and solve it by iteration.
We also developed a small predictive model in TRNSYS, that's what you 
actually need. I would suggest you to read how we did model it.
I hope it helps, if you have questions don't hesitate to ask!




Filippo Busato - ingegnere
PhD student

Università degli Studi di Padova
Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei sistemi industriali
Str.lla S.Nicola, 3 - 36100 Vicenza (VI)

mailto: busato at gest.unipd.it
http://www.gest.unipd.it/~busato <http://www.gest.unipd.it/%7Ebusato>
tel: +39 0444 998753
fax: +39 0444 998884
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