[TRNSYS-users] help

yubai yu.bai at etu.univ-savoie.fr
Fri Apr 28 05:42:24 PDT 2006

>Dear Trnsys users,
>I have been simulating the solar hot water system with a variable flow 
>rate which mainly consists of type 534 solar collector(TESS), type 60 
>storage tank with one internal heat exchanger and four pipes of type 31. 
>Generally, in type 534, if I set the 'pump control consumption' to 1,it 
>will means that we could keep the collector outlet at the specified 
>condition (eg, the outlet temperature of the collector is 55°C) by varying 
>the flow rate. Unfortunately, I tried running many times but it always 
>indicates these error messages that the UAHx of storage could not converge 
>during one time step and the following time step it will use the value of 
>the last iteration. I have attached fiche tpf .
>I would like to know what the problem is about this system.
>I would appreciate any help
>Thanks in advance
>LOCIE-groupe Développement Energétique Durable
>ESIGEC-Université de Savoie
>Campus Scientifique Savoie Technolac
>73376- Le Bourget du Lac Cedex (France)
>Tel: 04 79 26 44 34
>email: yu.bai at etu.univ-savoie.fr

LOCIE-groupe Développement Energétique Durable
ESIGEC-Université de Savoie
Campus Scientifique Savoie Technolac
73376- Le Bourget du Lac Cedex (France)
Tel: 04 79 26 44 34
email: yu.bai at etu.univ-savoie.fr
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