[TRNSYS-users] long wave radiation

ahmed daoud davidov44 at yahoo.fr
Thu Apr 27 06:27:06 PDT 2006

Dear Monika,

in the manual it is written:
Specific zones may be calculated with combined convective and radiative heat surface coefficients. The No. of zones with star network calculation is given by Abs(PAR(2))-100,

counting from the first specified zone. The following zones are calculated with surface film coefficients (HFRONT/HBACK, HINSIDE/HOUTSIDE) as combined heat

transfer coefficients. Values of PAR(2) below 1 indicate one calculation of star network per simulation, above and equal 1 -> Calculation of star network every time-step.

As I am understanding to specify to trnsys not to use the star network in my simulation I must specify a PAR(2)=100 but this parameter dosn't accept an integer > 1.

Can you please explain me?

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