[TRNSYS-users] Ground Water temperature

David Bradley (web) David at iyonmail.com
Mon Oct 24 09:42:33 PDT 2005

  The TMY2 files do not contain a data field for ground water temperature. If
you don't have any better information, I suppose you could use the depth
dependent ground temperature as the ground water temperature. You can get the
ground temperature as a function of depth and time of year using Type77.

Quoting Bharath Krishna Karambakkam <krishna at cdhenergy.com>:

> Hi Trnsys Users,
>                  Could any one please let me know if the TMY2 files have any
> ground water temperature information and how I could access them.
> Krishna

Thermal Energy System Specialists, LLC
2916 Marketplace Drive - suite 104
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email: bradley at tess-inc.com

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