[TRNSYS-users] Trnsys and Mac

Filippo Busato busato at gest.unipd.it
Fri Nov 25 02:56:34 PST 2005

I'm considering to buy a Mac. Is there a version of Trnsys 15 for Mac 
OS? If not, has anyone tried to run Trnsys 15 on Virtual PC for Macintosh?
Thank you


Filippo Busato - ingegnere
 - PhD student -

Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione
dei Sistemi industriali
Str.lla S.Nicola, 3
36100 Vicenza (VI)
tel. (+39) 0444 998753
mailto:busato at gest.unipd.it

+39 347 1207174

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