[TRNSYS-users] cooled ceiling

Maurizio Sorce mauriziosorce at dream.unipa.it
Wed May 25 08:24:44 PDT 2005

Dear TRNSYS 16 developers,

we have to complete a project with the new TRNBuild "cooled ceiling" option, 
so we need to solve our problem as soon as possible. As explained in a 
previous e-mail, we don't understand the problem about the missing outlet 
fluid temperature.

Thank's in advance.


Dear David,

in TRNBUILD exists a new option for the definition of a cooled ceiling 
(different from the active layer model). We have already used walls with 
active layer, obtaining the outlet temperature as a surface output (NTYPE 
58). Now the problem is that using the cooled ceiling model, no output for 
the outlet temperature exist! For this reason it is impossible
to link the otput of the model to the other types of TRNSYS Studio.

Thank's to all.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: David Bradley [SEL]
  To: pietro finocchiaro
  Cc: trnsys-users at engr.wisc.edu
  Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 6:44 PM
  Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Definition of a cooled ceiling

  Dear Pietro,
    Unless I am mistaken, the outlet temperature of the fluid in the active 
layer is NTYPE 58. To obtain that output, you must select a zone, specify 
that it is a "surface output" and then select the surface that is 
appropriate. If you have segmented the surface, you will need to choose the 
last segment in the list that comes up. As far as I am aware, the outlet 
flow rate is not available. If you specify the inlet flow rate as an INPUT 
to Type56, you can simply take the inlet value as equal to the outlet value. 
I am not sure what to do if you have created a TRNBuild SCHEDULE for the 
flow rate...
  Kind regards,

  pietro finocchiaro wrote:
    Dear TRNSYS users,

    I have a problem with the settings of a cooled ceiling during the 
definition of outputs. In the surface output list isn't present the 
temperature and flow rate of the outlet fluid (differently from the active 
layer). Can anybody help me?


    Pietro Finocchiaro
    Dipartimento di Ricerche Energetiche ed Ambientali
    Università di Palermo
    Tel: +39 (0)91 236277
    E-mail: finocchiaro at dream.unipa.it

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