[TRNSYS-users] Double façade

roberto-bruno at libero.it roberto-bruno at libero.it
Thu May 5 07:19:15 PDT 2005

Dear Users,
in the next future I’d want to simulate a double façade and I’ll use TRNFlow for
the first time, but I haven’t understood as I can build the double facade by
using PREBID. How can I calculate the air temperature in the gap? Must I use the
TYPE 37 and to link it with TYPE 56? 
Any suggestion is welcome.
Thank you in advance.

Roberto Bruno 
Department of Mechanic 
University of Calabria 
P. Bucci  44/C, 
87036 Arcavacata di Rende 
Cosenza - ITALY 
Tel. 00390984494158 
Fax 00390984494673

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