[TRNSYS-users] linking subroutines in trnsys16

David Bradley bradley at tess-inc.com
Fri Jun 17 07:42:33 PDT 2005

   You need to use a "RETURN 1" at the end of the ENTHALP subroutine 
instead of a "RETURN" In Fortran, you have two choices for calling a 
subroutine; in returning from a called subroutine, you can either return to 
the line directly after the call or you can return to some other spot in 
the code.

The code section in question (from Type905) is

         CALL ENTHALP (Tgsu,J,hpi,*11)
         CALL LINKCK('TYPE905','ENTHALP',1,99)
11      CONTINUE

If you want your calling subroutine to return to the line directly after 
the call line, you would write:


when control returns from ENTHALP, the next line would be executed:


this call to LINKCK produces the "TRNSYS couldn't find the subroutine ENTHALP.

In your code, though, you have written

CALL ENTHALP (Tgsu,J,hpi,*11)

if the subroutine ENTHALP ends with a "RETURN," the next line will be executed:


if the subroutine ENTHALP ends with a "RETURN 1" then line 11 will be 
executed next.

11      CONTINUE

in other words, the call to LINKCK to report an error will be skipped.

I hope that makes some sense. If not, please send me an email or call me 
directly and I will try to explain better.

Kind regards,

At 08:39 AM 6/17/2005, Jeroen Van der Veken wrote:
>Dear all,
>I tried to use a type that calls different subroutines. I get the 
>following error, indicating that it did not link the subroutines well. I 
>do not see the solution to this error.
>I attached the fortran files as well.
>*** Fatal Error at time   :         0.025000
>    Generated by Unit     : Not applicable or not available
>    Generated by Type     : Not applicable or not available
>    TRNSYS Message    104 : The TRNSYS processor has reported that a 
> subroutine was called that has not been found in the available TRNSYS 
> libraries.
>    Reported information  : Reported by LINKCK
>***** ERROR *****        TRNSYS ERROR # 104
>Kind regards,
>Ir.Jeroen Van der Veken
>Afdeling Bouwfysica
>Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
>Kasteelpark Arenberg 40
>3001 Heverlee
>T: +32 16 32 13 47
>F: +32 16 32 19 80
>@: jeroen.vanderveken at bwk.kuleuven.be
>C*    Copyright ASHRAE       A Toolkit for Primary HVAC System Energy
>C*                           Calculation
>C*    SUBROUTINE:            TYPE905 (ENGIFLSI)
>C*    LANGUAGE:              FORTRAN 77
>C*    PURPOSE:               Calculates the shaft power when the gas
>C*                           engine is running in steady-state regime.
>C*    Fratio       Fuel/air ratio                                    (-)
>C*    xin(1)                                                         (-)
>C*    Ta           Air temperature                                   (K)
>C*    xin(2)                                                        (øC)
>C*    MfrW         Water mass flow rate                           (kg/s)
>C*    xin(3)                                                     (kg/hr)
>C*    Twsu         Supply water temperature                          (K)
>C*    xin(4)                                                        (øC)
>C*    pa           Air pressure                                     (Pa)
>C*    xin(5)                                                       (atm)
>C*    N            Rotation speed                                  (1/s)
>C*    xin(6)                                                       (rpm)
>C*    CPgas        Mean specific heat of the combustion         (J/kg/K)
>C*                 products
>C*    out(1)                                                   (J/kg/øC)
>C*    Twex         Exhaust water temperature                         (K)
>C*    out(2)                                                        (øC)
>C*    Tgex         Flue gas temperature at the exhaust of the        (K)
>C*                 gas-water heat exchanger
>C*    out(3)                                                        (øC)
>C*    Wsh          Shaft power                                       (W)
>C*    out(4)                                                     (kJ/hr)
>C*    MfrFuel      Gas mass flow rate                             (kg/s)
>C*    out(5)                                                     (kg/hr)
>C*    MfrGas       Flue gas mass flow rate                        (kg/s)
>C*    out(6)                                                     (kg/hr)
>C*    Effic        Gas engine efficiency                             (-)
>C*    out(7)                                                         (-)
>C*    ErrDetec     = 1: the ratio of water capacity flow rate to     (-)
>C*                      flue gas capacity flow rate is too small ( <1 )
>C*                 = 2: the rotation speed for specified working
>C*                      conditions is lower than the minimum rotation
>C*                      speed (Nmin)
>C*                 = 3: the rotation speed for specified working
>C*                      conditions is greater than the maximum
>C*                      rotation speed (Nmax)
>C*                 = 4: the routine does not converge
>C*                 In  these cases, the routine stops running;
>C*                 otherwise this variable is equal to 0.
>C*    out(8)                                                         (-)
>C*    i            Intermittency factor                              (-)
>C*    par(1)                                                         (-)
>C*    Vs           Swept volume corresponding to all the          (m**3)
>C*                 cylinders
>C*    par(2)                                                      (m**3)
>C*    Athroat      Nozzle throat area                             (m**2)
>C*    par(3)                                                      (m**2)
>C*    EffiInt      Internal efficiency                               (-)
>C*    par(4)                                                         (-)
>C*    Tlo          Torque associated with the mechanical losses    (N*m)
>C*                 and the auxiliary consumptions
>C*    par(5)                                                       (N*m)
>C*    AUgwNoEng    Gas-water heat transfer coefficient in nominal  (W/K)
>C*                 conditions
>C*    par(6)                                                  (kJ/hr/øC)
>C*    MfrGasNom    Flue gas mass flow rate in nominal conditions  (kg/s)
>C*    par(7)                                                     (kg/hr)
>C*    AUwenvEng    Water-environment heat transfer coefficient     (W/K)
>C*    par(8)                                                  (kJ/hr/øC)
>C*    CpAir        Air specific heat                            (J/kg/K)
>C*    RAir         Air constant                                 (J/kg/K)
>C*    GammaAir     Air isentropic coefficient                        (-)
>C*    CpWat        Specific heat of liquid water                (J/kg/K)
>C*    Cweight      Weight of carbon in 1kg of fuel                  (kg)
>C*    FLHV         Fuel lower heating value                       (J/kg)
>C*    Tr           Reference temperature at which the FLHV is
>C*                 evaluated                                         (K)
>C*    Cfuel        Fuel specific heat                           (J/kg/K)
>C     MAJOR RESTRICTIONS:    It is assumed that the water-environment
>C                            heat transfer coefficient as well as the
>C                            nozzle throat area, the internal efficiency
>C                            ,the fuel/air ratio and the torque
>C                            associated with the mechanical losses and
>C                            the auxiliary consumptions are constant.
>C                            Air-fuel mixing properties are the same as
>C                            for pure air.
>C                            The gas-water heat transfer coefficient is
>C                            function of the flue gas mass flow rate.
>C     DEVELOPER:             Jean Lebrun
>C                            Marc Grodent
>C                            Jean-Pascal Bourdouxhe
>C                            Mark Nott
>C                            University of LiŠge, Belgium
>C     DATE:                  March 1, 1995
>C                            ENTHALP
>C                            FUEL
>C                            LINKCK
>C     Nmin         Minimum rotation speed                          (1/s)
>C     Nmax         Maximum rotation speed                          (1/s)
>C     VfrCyl       Volume flow rate corresponding to all the    (m**3/s)
>C                  cylinders
>C     vCyl         Specific volume at the cylinder supply      (m**3/kg)
>C     p3           Pressure at the cylinder supply                  (Pa)
>C     pcritic      Critical pressure                                (Pa)
>C     v1           Air specific volume                         (m**3/kg)
>C     Wpumping     Pumping losses                                    (W)
>C     Win          Internal power                                    (W)
>C     Wlo          Power associated with the mechanical losses       (W)
>C                  and the auxiliary consumptions
>C     hg0f         Flue gas enthalpy at the exhaust of the    (J/kg gas)
>C                  adiabatic combustion chamber
>C     hg0          Flue gas enthalpy at the exhaust of   (J/kg flue gas)
>C                  the adiabatic combustion chamber
>C     hgsu         Flue gas enthalpy at the supply of    (J/kg flue gas)
>C                  the gas-water heat exchanger
>C     Tg0          Flue gas temperature at the exhaust of the        (K)
>C                  adiabatic combustion chamber
>C     Tgsu         Flue gas temperature at the supply of the         (K)
>C                  gas-water heat exchanger
>C     Twexs        Water temperature at the flue gas-water heat      (K)
>C                  exchanger exhaust
>C     TolRel       Relative error tolerance                          (-)
>C     Crgas        Capacity flow rate of the combustion products   (W/K)
>C     Crw          Water capacity flow rate                        (W/K)
>C     Fct          Value of the function to be nullified             (K)
>C     Dfct         Value of the first derivative                     (-)
>C     Effgw        Effectiveness of the gas-water heat exchanger     (-)
>C     ErrRel       Relative error                                    (-)
>C     hgex         Gas enthalpy at the exhaust of the    (J/kg flue gas)
>C                  flue gas-water heat exchanger
>C     Qgw          Flue gas-water heat transfer                      (W)
>C     Qwenv        Water-environment heat transfer                   (W)
>C     AUgwEng      Gas-water heat transfer coefficient             (W/K)
>C     Sum1,Sum2,Jm1,Dhgex,DCPgas,Dcrgas,Deffgw,hgcal1,hgcal,Tgsup,hgex1
>C     and Tgexp are variables used in the Newton-Raphson method.
>       INCLUDE 'c:/Trnsys15/Include/param.inc'
>       REAL Kmolp(5)
>       REAL Ifuel,MfrW,MfrFuel,MfrGas,N,Nmin,Nmax,i,MfrGasNom
>       DIMENSION PAR(8),XIN(6),OUT(8),INFO(15),
>      &          XIN99(5),OUT99(7),INFO99(15)
>      &                PRWARN
>       COMMON/COMCP/PFCP(5,10)
>       ! Set the version information for TRNSYS
>                 if (INFO(7) == -2) then
>                         INFO(12) = 15
>                         return 1
>                 endif
>         INFO(6)=8
>       INFO99(6)=7
>       DATA TolRel,Nmin,Nmax,CpWat,Pi/1E-05,8,85,4187,3.14159265359/
>       DATA CpAir,RAir,GammaAir/1005,287.06,1.4/
>C*** INPUTS 6 (converted in SI units)
>       Fratio=SNGL(xin(1))
>       Ta=SNGL(xin(2)+273.15)
>       Mfrw=SNGL(xin(3)/3600.)
>       Twsu=SNGL(xin(4)+273.15)
>       pa=SNGL(xin(5)*101325)
>       N=SNGL(xin(6)/60)
>C*** PARAMETERS 8 (converted in SI units)
>       i=par(1)
>       Vs=par(2)
>       Athroat=par(3)
>       EffiInt=par(4)
>       Tlo=par(5)
>       AUgwNoEng=par(6)/3.6
>       MfrGasNom=par(7)/3600.
>       AUwenvEng=par(8)/3.6
>C2*** The gaseous fuel used is methane
>       Ifuel=4
>       CALL FUEL (Ifuel,Cweight,FLHV,Tr,Cfuel,*1)
>       CALL LINKCK('TYPE905','FUEL',1,99)
>C1*** Test on the value of the rotation speed
>       IF (N.LT.Nmin) THEN
>       ErrDetec=2
>       GOTO 90
>       ELSE
>       IF (N.GT.Nmax) THEN
>       ErrDetec=3
>       GOTO 90
>       ENDIF
>       ENDIF
>C1*** Calculate the critic pressure at the nozzle throat
>       Gm1G=(GammaAir-1)/GammaAir
>       pcritic=pa*(2/(GammaAir+1))**(1/Gm1g)
>C2*** Calculate the volume flow rate corresponding to all
>C2*** the cylinders
>       VfrCyl=i*N*Vs
>C2*** Calculate the pressure at the cylinder supply if we
>C2*** assumed to be in sonic regime at the nozzle throat
>       v1=Rair*Ta/pa
>       MfrGas=Athroat/v1*SQRT(2*CpAir*Ta)*SQRT((pcritic/pa)**
>      &       (2/GammaAir)*(1-(pcritic/pa)**Gm1G))
>       vCyl=VfrCyl/MfrGas
>       p3=RAir*Ta/vCyl
>C2*** Compare the pressure at the cylinder supply with the
>C2*** critic pressure
>       IF (p3.GT.pcritic) THEN
>C2*** No sonic regime at the nozzle throat; calculate the pressure
>C2*** at the cylinder supply by means of the Newton-Raphson method
>C2*** First guess of the value of the pressure at the cylinder supply
>       p3=0.9*pa
>C2*** Calculate the function to be nullified
>       Fct=Athroat/v1*SQRT(2*CpAir*Ta)*SQRT((p3/pa)**
>      &    (2/GammaAir)*(1-(p3/pa)**Gm1G))-VfrCyl*p3/(RAir*
>      &     Ta)
>C2*** Calculate the value of the first derivative
>       prate=p3/pa
>       Den=SQRT(prate**(2/GammaAir)*(1-prate**Gm1G))
>       DFct=Athroat/v1*SQRT(2*CpAir*Ta)*(2/GammaAir*prate
>      &     **((2-GammaAir)/GammaAir)-(GammaAir+1)/
>      &     GammaAir*prate**(1/GammaAir))/(2*pa*Den)-
>      &     VfrCyl/(RAir*Ta)
>C2*** A new estimated value is calculated
>       p3p=p3
>       p3=p3-Fct/DFct
>       ErrRel=ABS((p3-p3p)/p3p)
>C2*** If converged, leave the loop
>       IF (ErrRel.GT.TolRel) GOTO 5
>       IF (p3.LT.pcritic) THEN
>       ErrDetec=4
>       GOTO 90
>       ENDIF
>C2*** Calculate the flue gas mass flow rate
>       vCyl=RAir*Ta/p3
>       MfrGas=VfrCyl/vCyl
>       ENDIF
>C1*** Calculate the gas mass flow rate
>       MfrFuel=MfrGas*(Fratio/(1+Fratio))
>C2*** Calculate the internal power
>       Win=EffiInt*MfrFuel*FLHV
>C2*** Calculate the pumping loss
>       Wpumping=i*N*Vs*(pa-p3)
>C2*** Calculate the mechanical losses and the auxiliary consumptions
>       Wlo=Tlo*2*Pi*N
>C1*** Calculate the shaft power
>       Wsh=Win-Wpumping-Wlo
>C1*** Calculate the gas-water heat transfer coefficient
>       AUgwEng=AUgwNoEng*(MfrGas/MfrGasNom)**0.65
>C1*** Calculate the adiabatic temperature, the fuel/air ratio as well as
>C1*** the enthalpy (expressed in J/kg fuel) and composition of the
>C1*** combustion products
>       xin99(1)=DBLE(Ifuel)
>       xin99(2)=1
>       xin99(3)=DBLE(Fratio)
>       xin99(4)=DBLE(Ta-273.15)
>       xin99(5)=DBLE(Ta-273.15)
>       CALL LINKCK('TYPE905','TYPE908 ',1,99)
>       Fratio=SNGL(out99(1))
>       Tg0=SNGL(out99(2)+273.15)
>       Kmolp(2)=SNGL(out99(3))
>       Kmolp(3)=SNGL(out99(4))
>       Kmolp(4)=SNGL(out99(5))
>       Kmolp(5)=SNGL(out99(6))
>       hg0f=SNGL(out99(7))
>C2*** The flue gas enthalpy at the exhaust of the adiabatic
>C2*** combustion chamber is expressed in J/kg (flue gas)
>       hg0=hg0f/(1+1/Fratio)
>C1*** Calculate the flue gas enthalpy at the supply of the gas-water
>C1*** heat exchanger
>       hgsu=hg0-Wsh/MfrGas
>C1*** Calculate the flue gas temperature at the supply of the
>C1*** gas-water heat exchanger
>C2*** First guess of the flue gas temperature at the heat exchanger
>C2*** supply
>       Tgsu=Tg0/2
>10    hgcal1=0
>       DO 20 J=2,5
>         CALL ENTHALP (Tgsu,J,hpi,*11)
>         CALL LINKCK('TYPE905','ENTHALP',1,99)
>11      CONTINUE
>         hgcal1=hgcal1+Kmolp(J)*hpi
>       hgcal=hgcal1/(1+1/Fratio)
>C2*** Calculate the function to nullify
>       Fct=hgcal-hgsu
>C2*** Calculate the value of the first derivative
>       Sum1=0
>       DO 30 K=1,5
>       Sum2=0
>       DO 40 J=1,10
>       Sum2=Sum2+PFCP(K,J)*Tgsu**(J-1)
>       Sum1=Sum1+Kmolp(K)*Sum2
>       DFct=Sum1/(1+1/Fratio)
>C2*** A new estimated value is calculated
>       Tgsup=Tgsu
>       Tgsu=Tgsu-Fct/DFct
>       ErrRel=ABS((Tgsu-Tgsup)/Tgsup)
>C2*** If converged, then leave the loop
>       IF (ErrRel.GT.TolRel) GOTO 10
>C2*** First guess of the exhaust flue gas temperature
>       Tgex=Tgsu/2
>C1*** Calculate the exhaust flue gas enthalpy (expressed in J/kg fuel)
>50    hgex1=0
>       DO 60 J=2,5
>          CALL ENTHALP (Tgex,J,hpi,*51)
>          CALL LINKCK('TYPE905','ENTHALP',1,99)
>51       CONTINUE
>          hgex1=hgex1+Kmolp(J)*hpi
>C2*** The exhaust flue gas enthalpy is expressed in J/kg gas
>       hgex=hgex1/(1+1/Fratio)
>C1*** Calculate the flue gas mean specific heat
>       CPgas=(hgsu-hgex)/(Tgsu-Tgex)
>C1*** Calculate a new estimated value of the exhaust flue gas
>C1*** temperature by using the Newton-Raphson method
>C2*** Calculate the value of the function to be nullified
>       Crgas=MfrGas*CPgas
>       Crw=MfrW*CpWat
>C1*** Determine the value of ErrDetec
>       IF (Crgas.GT.Crw) THEN
>         ErrDetec=1
>         GOTO 90
>       ELSE
>         ErrDetec=0
>       ENDIF
>       par1=EXP(-AUgwEng*(1/Crgas-1/Crw))
>       Effgw=(1-par1)/(1-Crgas*par1/Crw)
>       Fct=Effgw*(Tgsu-Twsu)-Tgsu+Tgex
>C2*** Calculate the value of the first derivative
>       Sum1=0
>       DO 70 K=2,5
>          Sum2=0
>          DO 80 J=1,10
>             Jm1=J-1
>             Sum2=Sum2+PFCP(K,J)*Tgex**Jm1
>80       CONTINUE
>          Sum1=Sum1+Sum2*Kmolp(K)
>       Dhgex=Sum1/(1+1/Fratio)
>       DCPgas=(hgsu-hgex-Dhgex*(Tgsu-Tgex))/(Tgsu-Tgex)**2
>       DCrgas=MfrGas*DCPgas
>       DEffgw=(AUgwEng*DCrgas*par1*(1/Crw-1/Crgas)/Crgas+DCrgas*par1*
>      &        (1-par1)/Crw)/(1-(Crgas/Crw)*par1)**2
>       Dfct=(Tgsu-Twsu)*DEffgw+1
>       Tgexp=Tgex
>C2*** The new estimated value is calculated
>       Tgex=Tgex-Fct/Dfct
>       ErrRel=ABS((Tgex-Tgexp)/Tgexp)
>C2*** If converged, leave loop
>       IF (ErrRel.GT.TolRel) GO TO 50
>C1*** Calculate the gas-water heat transfer
>       Qgw=MfrGas*(hgsu-hgex)
>C1*** Calculate the exhaust water temperature
>       Twexs=Twsu+Qgw/(MfrW*CpWat)
>       Twex=Ta+(Twexs-Ta)/EXP(AUwenvEng/(MfrW*CpWat))
>C1*** Calculate the water-environment heat transfer
>       Qwenv=MfrW*CpWat*(Twexs-Twex)
>C1*** Calculate the gas engine efficiency
>       Effic=Wsh/(MfrFuel*FLHV)
>C*** OUTPUTS 8 (converted in TRNSYS units)
>       out(1)=DBLE(CPgas)
>       out(2)=DBLE(Twex-273.15)
>       out(3)=DBLE(Tgex-273.15)
>       out(4)=DBLE(Wsh*3.6)
>       out(5)=DBLE(MfrFuel*3600.)
>       out(6)=DBLE(MfrGas*3600.)
>       out(7)=DBLE(Effic)
>       out(8)=DBLE(ErrDetec)
>       RETURN 1
>       END
> (Temp,I,Enthalpy,*)
>C*    SUBROUTINE:            ENTHALP
>C*    LANGUAGE:              FORTRAN 77
>C*    PURPOSE:               Calculate the enthalpy (J/kmol) of each
>C*                           species (H2,O2,N2,CO2,H2O) at a given
>C*                           temperature
>C*    Temp         Temperature at which enthalpy must be calculated  (K)
>C*    I            Selection of the species to be considered         (-)
>C*                 I=1: H2
>C*                 I=2: O2
>C*                 I=3: N2
>C*                 I=4: CO2
>C*                 I=5: H2O
>C*    Enthalpy     Enthalpy of the species                      (J/kmol)
>C     DEVELOPER:             Philippe Ngendakumana
>C                            Marc Grodent
>C                            University of LiŠge, Belgium
>C     DATE:                  November 8, 1993
>C     REFERENCE:             A. Brohmer and P. Kreuter
>C                            FEV Motorentechnik GmbH & Co KG
>C                            Aachen, Germany
>C     PFCP         Array containing the coefficients used     (J/kmol/K)
>C                  in the polynomial expressions
>C     Tref         Array containing the temperatures at which        (K)
>C                  the reference enthalpies are calculated
>C     href         Array containing the reference enthalpies    (J/kmol)
>C     h            Enthalpy of species I                        (J/kmol)
>C     J            Loop counter
>!export this subroutine for its use in external DLLs.
>       COMMON/COMCP/PFCP(5,10)
>       COMMON/THREF/Tref(5),href(5)
>       h=href(I)
>       Enthalpy=0
>       DO 10 J=1,10
>       h=h+((PFCP(I,J)*Temp**J)-(PFCP(I,J)*Tref(I)**J))/J
>   10  CONTINUE
>       Enthalpy=h
>       RETURN
>       END
>       BLOCK DATA
>       COMMON/COMCP/PFCP(5,10)
>       COMMON/THREF/Tref(5),href(5)
>C1*** Coefficients are given for H2
>       DATA PFCP(1,1),PFCP(1,2),PFCP(1,3),
>      $PFCP(1,4),PFCP(1,5),PFCP(1,6),PFCP(1,7),
>      $PFCP(1,8),PFCP(1,9),PFCP(1,10)/
>      $ 2.12183E+04, 4.90483E+01,-1.18908E-01, 1.50167E-04,
>      $-1.07285E-07, 4.66644E-11,-1.26418E-14, 2.08562E-18,
>      $-1.91864E-22, 7.54661E-27/
>C1*** Coefficients are given for O2
>       DATA PFCP(2,1),PFCP(2,2),PFCP(2,3),
>      $PFCP(2,4),PFCP(2,5),PFCP(2,6),PFCP(2,7),
>      $PFCP(2,8),PFCP(2,9),PFCP(2,10)/
>      $ 3.12398E+04,-2.51025E+01, 9.50643E-02,-1.29283E-04,
>      $ 9.56020E-08,-4.25012E-11, 1.16866E-14,-1.94778E-18,
>      $ 1.80410E-22,-7.12717E-27/
>C1*** Coefficients are given for N2
>       DATA PFCP(3,1),PFCP(3,2),PFCP(3,3),
>      $PFCP(3,4),PFCP(3,5),PFCP(3,6),PFCP(3,7),
>      $PFCP(3,8),PFCP(3,9),PFCP(3,10)/
>      $ 3.10052E+04,-1.65866E+01, 4.37297E-02,-4.10720E-05,
>      $ 2.08732E-08,-6.27548E-12, 1.11654E-15,-1.08777E-19,
>      $ 4.47487E-24, 0.E0         /
>C1*** Coefficients are given for CO2
>       DATA PFCP(4,1),PFCP(4,2),PFCP(4,3),
>      $PFCP(4,4),PFCP(4,5),PFCP(4,6),PFCP(4,7),
>      $PFCP(4,8),PFCP(4,9),PFCP(4,10)/
>      $ 1.89318E+04, 8.20742E+01,-8.47204E-02, 5.92177E-05,
>      $-2.92546E-08, 1.01523E-11,-2.39525E-15, 3.62658E-19,
>      $-3.15882E-23, 1.19863E-27/
>C1*** Coefficients are given for H2O
>        DATA PFCP(5,1),PFCP(5,2),PFCP(5,3),
>      $PFCP(5,4),PFCP(5,5),PFCP(5,6),PFCP(5,7),
>      $PFCP(5,8),PFCP(5,9),PFCP(5,10)/
>      $ 3.42084E+04,-1.04650E+01, 3.61342E-02,-2.73709E-05,
>      $ 1.12406E-08,-2.93883E-12, 5.25323E-16,-6.54907E-20,
>      $ 5.27765E-24,-2.04468E-28/
>C1*** Reference values are given for H2
>       DATA 
> Tref(1),href(1)/2.E3,6.144129E7/
>C1*** Reference values are given for O2
>       DATA 
> Tref(2),Href(2)/2.E3,6.7926643E7/
>C1*** Reference values are given for N2
>       DATA 
> Tref(3),Href(3)/2.E3,6.485353E7/
>C1*** Reference values are given for CO2
>       DATA 
> Tref(4),Href(4)/2.E3,-2.9253172E8/
>C1*** Reference values are given for H2O
>       DATA Tref(5),Href(5)/2.E3,-1.5643141E8/
>       END
>TRNSYS-users mailing list
>TRNSYS-users at engr.wisc.edu

Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC
David BRADLEY                           2916 Marketplace Drive - Suite 104
Partner                                        Madison, WI 53719
Phone: (608) 274-2577 USA
Fax: (608) 278-1475
E-mail: bradley at tess-inc.com
Web Pages:  http://www.tess-inc.com     and      http://www.trnsys.com

"Providing software solutions for today's energy engineering projects"

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