[TRNSYS-users] Type655 ACC: Sample data

David Bradley [web] David at terracom.net
Sun Feb 27 13:43:17 PST 2005

  You should find example data files for all of the TESS HVAC components located
in a folder called \trnsys15\Catalog_Data\... Each piece of equipment has its
own folder beyond that point.

Quoting Logan Wong <hkutrnsys at yahoo.com.hk>:

> Hello,
> Anyone can be sincerely to share a set of the data(2 files) file for the air
> cool chiller Type 655 for my reference.
> The first data file contains ratios of the capacity to the rated capacity and
> the COP to the rated COP as functions of the chilled water set point
> temperature and the ambient temperature.  The second file must contain the
> fraction of full-load power as a function of the part-load ratio on the
> machine.
> Thanks.
> Logan
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Thermal Energy System Specialists, LLC
2916 Marketplace Drive - suite 104
Madison, WI  53719
ph +1 (608) 274 2577
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email: bradley at tess-inc.com

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