[TRNSYS-users] TYPE68 + TYPE 34

Yoshihiro Yamaguchi yamaguti at alpha-net.ne.jp
Mon Aug 1 15:23:54 PDT 2005

Dear David and Christophe

I have experienced a similar case with the combination of
Type68 and Type34.
If one of the surfaces defined in Type68 is horizontal 
and Type34 opening is vertical, my idea is like below.

[Type68 Outputs]              ->     [Type34 inputs]
Shaded beam radiation on surface  ->  
         Shaded beam radiation on surface * cos( solar zenith angle )
Shaded diffuse radiation on surface -> Horizontal diffuse radiation
Shaded total radiation on surface ->  Total horizontal radiation

I just converted the surface direction from horizontal to vertical
with an equation.

Is this right?


I forgot to put the mailing list adress.

  Yoshihiro Yamaguchi    山口 芳弘  
  yamaguti at alpha-net.ne.jp

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