[TRNSYS-users] TImebase / Timestep

David Bradley bradley at tess-inc.com
Thu Apr 21 13:38:49 PDT 2005

   The short answer to your question is that yes, a time base of 2 h and a 
time step of 0.5 are compatible. The rules concerning the time step and 
time base are that the time step must be shorter than the time base and 
that the time base must be an integer multiple of the time step.
Kind regards,

At 02:17 AM 4/20/2005, Enertech wrote:
>Dear TRNSYS Users,
>I’m back to the TRNSYS List.
>First of all, I would like to send a message of hope for PhD Students 
>using TRNSYS : These last years I worked a lot with TRNSYS to simulate 
>SDHW systems for my PhD Thesis. I finished this research work two months 
>ago and I found a job thanks to TRNSYS !! In fact, Engineering Offices (in 
>France) need more and more to work with dynamic simulation. TRNSYS is, of 
>course, the reference ! So cheer up ! I know very well that TRNSYS is a 
>difficult software to use but it can help you for your career

>I’m currently working on building simulation. So I’m using TRNSYS 16 and 
>TRNBUILD. I have to say this new version is very userfriendly. But, as a 
>new user, I’ve got some questions.
>My first question concerns the TIMEBASE and the TIMESTEP. I’ve got heavy 
>walls in my building (50 cm of brick), so I’m using TIMEBASE = 2 h. My 
>zone is in contact with outside and with 2 “non warming zones” (I don’t 
>exactly know the english term for the french term : local non chauffé). 
>These 2 zones present temperatures depending on my first zone temperature 
>and the outside temperature. I’ve got some convergence problems in my 
>simulation with an one hour TIMESTEP. That’s why I decided to use 0.5 hour 
>TIMESTEP then it works OK. Are TIMEBASE=2h and TIMESTEP=0.5h compatible ? 
>My simulation results seem OK but I want to be sure

>Thank you.
>Christophe Plantier.
>B.E.T. Enertech.
>tel-fax : 04 75 90 18 54
>Email : sidler at club-internet.fr
>Web  : http://perso.club-internet.fr/sidler
>TRNSYS-users mailing list
>TRNSYS-users at engr.wisc.edu

Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC
David BRADLEY                           2916 Marketplace Drive - Suite 104
Partner                                        Madison, WI 53719
Phone: (608) 274-2577 USA
Fax: (608) 278-1475
E-mail: bradley at tess-inc.com
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