[TRNSYS-users] Re: Problem with IISiBat

Werner Keilholz werner at cstb.fr
Wed Oct 20 00:58:31 PDT 2004

Todd Houstein wrote:

>Just to clarify, the problem I am experiencing is: I have a .tmf file 
>opened in IISiBat... I click on the "Variables" button... IISiBat crashes 
>and the following message appears in a Windows dialog box:
>Program Error
>IISiBat.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows.
>You will need to restart the program.
>An error log is being created.
Could you send me the PROFORMA which causes problems please ?
I have some difficulty to follow the timeline of the different actions, 
but I would say that
if you edited a .TMF with notepad and it still works, your basically 
lucky. :-)

>Does anyone know where this "error log" goes??? I cannot find it!! Windows 
>2000 help directed me to Dr.Watson, but the error log in Dr.Watson did not 
>show any record of this error.
I think this depends on the configuration of your Dr., but I don't think 
it will be of
much help to you: it is only the binary memory image of the application, 
with the
adress where the crash occured.

>Some other observations I have made regarding the error:
>- Only some components cause the error.
>- The components that do cause the error ALWAYS cause it.
>- Examples of components that cause the error: Types 37a, 37b, 185, 164a, 
>164b, 160a, 173a, and probably many more!
>- Note that most (but not all) of the components that cause the error are 
>from the HYDROGEMS library (may be a coincidence)
>- But, many components from the HYDROGEMS library do NOT cause the error... 
>examples: Types 188a, 102a, 102a_v2, 100a, 100b, 105a, 120a, 120a_v2, 
>120a_v3, 120b, 120b_v2, etc
>- I have tried reinstalling both TRNSYS and HYDROGEMS, but it made no 
>If you, or anyone other TRNSYS user can shed some light on this I would be 
>most appreciative.
Please send me a zipped .tmf file of one of the components that causes
the problem.



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