[TRNSYS-users] Fortran compiler

Werner Keilholz werner at cstb.fr
Fri Nov 12 00:47:33 PST 2004

Hi Todd,

I'm sorry I can't help you on Open Watcom, but if you plan to upgrade
to TRNSYS 16 anytime soon (or already have), there is an easy
alternative: simply give the type you modify a new type number and
compile it into a separate DLL.

You can create the compile project for the DLL by opening the existing
PROFORMA, change the TYPE number and then File/export as ...
(choose 'FORTRAN'). The rest is automatic.

The Watcom compiler is able to creat such DLLs 

Otherwise (in TRNSYS 15) I hope someone else can help you
on Watcom.


Todd Houstein wrote:

>I have recently installed Open Watcom Fortran compiler 
>(http://www.openwatcom.org) and have been attempting to use it to recompile 
>TRNLIB.DLL after making minor changes to the source code for a component. 
>Unfortunately errors are being generated for about half of the .FOR files.
>Has anyone any experience with using Open Watcom? If so, any assistance 
>would be greatly appreciated. If not, can anyone suggest another free (or 
>inexpensive) Fortran compiler?
>Thanks and regards,
>Todd Houstein
>Hydrogen & Allied Renewable Technologies (HART) research team
>University of Tasmania
>+61 3 6226 2094
>TRNSYS-users mailing list
>TRNSYS-users at engr.wisc.edu


  /    \____ Werner Keilholz, Software Development Group Leader
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