[TRNSYS-users] TYPE55 periodic integrator

Plantier Christophe christophe.plantier at cstb.fr
Wed Nov 3 04:52:53 PST 2004

Dear TRNSYS Users,

I simulate a system with a simulation time step of 1 minute. I would like to
use TYPE 55 "periodic integrator" to obtain mean temperatures over a period
of 3 minutes.
The values of the parameters for one input are written below :

- Integrate or sum input 1 : -1 (sum)
- Relative starting hour for input 1 : 1 hr
- Duration for input 1 : 3 min
- Cycle repeat time for input 1 : 3 min
- Reset time for input 1 : 3 min
- Absolute starting hour for input 1 : 1 hr
- Absolute stopping hour for input 1 : 744 hr

It doesn't work correctly and I do not understand why. I think the problem
comes from the "relative starting hour". I tried 1 hr, 0 hr, 3 min without

Does anybody have an idea ?

Christophe PLANTIER
CSTB,Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment
Département Développement Durable
290, route des Lucioles
BP 209
06904 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex
Tel  : + 33 (0)4 93 95 64 43
Fax : + 33 (0)4 93 95 64 31
Site Web : http://enr.cstb.fr

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