[TRNSYS-users] window data

Werner Keilholz werner at cstb.fr
Wed Jul 7 06:05:43 PDT 2004

Hi Christian,

There is tutorial about adding windows on the SEL Web pages
( http://sel.me.wisc.edu/trnsys/default.htm )

Go to Tutorials, then Adding New Window Technologies to Prebid and 
using LBNL's Window 4.1 software

The tutorial is about Window 4.1, but for 5.1 the principle is the same.

It has been tried out and seems to work fine.

Hope this helps,

Christian.Pfeiffer at zueblin.de wrote:

>Dear TRNSYS-users,
>i am using window 5.2 on order to create new windows-data for my current
>multi-zone-buildung in trnsys15. But i dont know how to export/import the
>of window 5.2 into trnsys15.
>I only know that i have to create a doe-2 file in window 5 but i dont
>know how. Where can i find the button to do so?
>Does anyone can give me a hint?
>Christian Pfeiffer
>Ed. Züblin AG
>Zentrale Technik - Schlüsselfertiges Bauen
>Christian Pfeiffer
>Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
>Ed. Züblin AG
>Albstadtweg 3
>70567 Stuttgart
>Tel.:       0711 - 7883-9350
>Fax.: 0711 - 7883-559
>E-Mail:     Christian.Pfeiffer at Zueblin.de
>TRNSYS-users mailing list
>TRNSYS-users at engr.wisc.edu


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