[TRNSYS-users] info: TRNSYS14.2->16 - radio button group

David Chèze david.cheze at clipsol.com
Tue Dec 21 03:58:50 PST 2004


While converting 14.2 *.trd files to *.trd files for use with TRNSYS 16 
distributed TRNSED program, after TRNSlation, I noticed that radio 
button groups seem not work as before: it can comment/uncomment only one 
group called by the same name. I think that is because we can now no 
more define separated groups in the code called by the same name (this 
can happen for interface appearance purposes), what's anyway more 
consistent in terms of coding!

Can you just confirm this point?


David Chèze
Développement produit
CLIPSOL - www.clipsol.com
PAE Les Combaruches
73100 Aix-les-Bains - France

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