[Trace-users] DCV in TRACE...how it works?

Radhika Gundavelli RGundavelli at southlandind.com
Mon Nov 30 11:44:48 PST 2009



Which version of Trace are you using? 

Modeling DCV has to be done in three steps in Trace versions 6.2.1 and


Step 1- Do the following at the airflow template/room level

Select 'Yes' for Apply ASHRAE Std62.1 -2004/2007 

Select the room type from the drop down list. Trace will automatically
apply the people based and room based ventilation rates

Select the cooling and heating effectiveness numbers. Refer to ASHRAE
62.1 for more information

Enter the minimum OA intake for DCV as a percentage of room population
or design outside airflow. The default value is 0% for 'None' or
'Proportional Control' and 40% for 'Single Setpoint'. The control type
can be selected at the system level. Please refer to Step 3. 


Step 2 - Do the following at the thermostat template/room level

Set the CO2 sensor location to room


Step 3 - Do the following at the system level

Under the Selection tab, click on advanced

Select ASHRAE Std 62.1-2004/2007 w/ Vent Reset for System ventilation

Enter the Max Vent (Z) ratio allowed

Select the control type for CO2-based DCV - None, Proportional or Single


Hope that helps! 




R A D H I K A  G U N D A V E L L I


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